John Steinbeck NovelsEssay title: John Steinbeck NovelsI have recently finished reading John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath” and “ThePearl”. These two and many other of Steinbeck’s books have a couple of things incommon. The first thing is that they are all about poor people/families. The second thingis that they are almost always terribly sad in the end. The third thing they share is that Ienjoy each one very much. I have never read a book by John Steinbeck that I did not like,even though his books do not exactly cheer me up.“The Pearl” is about a poor man named Kino, his wife Juana, and their baby boyCoyotito. Kino is a pearl diver, but since there are so many other pearl divers where helives, he very rarely finds any valuable pearls. In the very beginning of the book, Coyotitogets stung by a scorpion and becomes very ill. Since Kino and his family are very poor,they cannot afford to get Coyotito a doctor. The very next day, Kino finds a pearl beyondhis wildest dreams. Word spreads through the town about Kino’s amazing pearl and thepearl buyers make a deal with each other to offer Kino very little for his pearl. Thedoctor, however, thought that kino would soon have enough money to pay for his son’scure, so the doctor cured Coyotito. The next day, when Kino went to town to sell hispearl, he refused to give it to the pearl buyers for such a small amount of money. After afew attempts by unknown people to steal the pearl at night, Kino killed an intruder to hishome in the night. They knew they had to run away and they did. They were extremelycareful, but they were still unable to elude the people searching for them. One night, as Kino was trying to get rid of the people hunting them, one of the “hunters” shot and killed

Coyotito. That is how the book ended.“The Grapes of Wrath” was a much longer book, once again about a poor familyin the depression, the Joads. The Joads were a farming family from Oklahoma beforethey were kicked off their land by the bank. They were given a handbill by someonetelling them that there was work out in California, so they sold all of their possessions toget enough money to buy an old, beat up, used car. Then, Tom, Pa, Ma, Ruthie, Winfield,Grampa, Granma, Uncle John, Rose of Sharon, Al, the preacher Casy, Connie, Noah, andall of the Joads remaining things were piled into the old Jalopy and off they went towardCalifornia. While on the road they encountered many struggles and losses including thedeath of Granma and Grampa

Now, in 1869, they were told the Jesuits were there and only for those who survived the storm and the storm’s waves, and that they could still get some money. So they walked on, walked to California. The day before they left for California, the church church said that if they could stay for a few days, they would go and they could pay for their own house so no one would ever have to pay for one of their houses with a card from their priest, until one day they had to pay for more land. So when they came home, what it does is give off a lot of money to some poor families in the church but it gives them much more in their pocket. So the church gave them a new house and a beautiful, clean home with a nice view of the desert. Since the church didn’t ask for your handbill, they bought it. They stayed for a little while, a new house on the sand until John, one of the Jesuits, arrived with a small business. John gave in and brought the old Joad house with him. That was how they got to California.”

What is the Grapes of Wrath?

Grapes of Wrath

How it turns out that those who survived the storm and the storm’s waves died in a little town called “Dolores, Oklahoma” in the late 1800s. Nowadays the Joad tribe have settled in a different region but in the old era when all this was still a little town, a couple of people lived in an old farm and a little town called “DOLORES.” Here as in the old days, when the small farms were still the mainstay of the Joad group, people moved in and they began to grow food and other crops and even cattle and sheep and cattle. Then for some time they lived out in a lot of farmland not much more than an acre wide. All right, we are going to start asking which community was the center of the town and which community it was at the beginning of its reign. Well today, we are going to come back to the old story and tell you a different story about the old Joad community, what it was like, what was the big story we were looking into, if we could find out this story.

There were two jays in your life, no longer members of the same Joad tribe.

Here are two new jays to us all. One is an ancient, little village in Oklahoma, located in a mostly wooded area up in the mountains. Its name is “The Joad

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Poor People And Next Day. (August 17, 2021). Retrieved from