P&g Global Management
Where to Play
For P&G company, connect and develop is to find goods ideas and bring them into company to enhance and capitalized on internal capabilities. It is critical to know exactly where to play and carefully defined targets for connect and develop to work. The company directed their surveillance to three environments, including top ten consumer needs, adjacencies, and technology game broads. By understanding and addressing the consumer needs, P&G could drive the growth of their brands and product better products for customers. Adjacencies are the new products or concepts that can help the company to take advantage of existing brand equity and develop innovative emerging products. Evaluating how technology acquisition moves in one area allow the company to plan for the innovation search, where to emphasize, where not to be looking.

How to Network
P&G’s Global networks are the platform for the activities that, together, constitute the connect-and-develop strategy. How you build and use them provides the competitive advantage to the company. P&G use both closed proprietary network and open networks of individuals and organizations. Using these networks, P&G look for ideas in government and private labs, academic and other research institutions, suppliers, retailers, competitors, development and trade partners, VC firms and individual entrepreneurs. Two of the largest proprietary networks are Technology entrepreneurs and Suppliers. NineSigma, innoCentive, YourEncore, and Yet2.com are open networks of P&G and are particularly fruitful connect-and-develop resources. These core networks are most useful and used by P&G to seek out new ideas.

When to Engage
After identifying the products and ideas by networks, we need to screen them internally to evaluate which products, technologies or ideas meet P&G where-

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P&G Company And P&G’S Global Networks. (July 5, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/pg-company-and-pgs-global-networks-essay/