Database Usage at the Naval Air Warfare Center Technical LibraryDatabase Usage at the Naval Air Warfare Center Technical LibraryDatabase Usage at the Naval Air Warfare Center Technical LibraryThe rapidly changing face of research and technology in the science and research forum, as well as the world, has prompted the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWC-WD) Technical Library to be in a constant state of change. These changes in information technology are made in order to consistently provide the patrons as well as the library staff with the latest capabilities in order to best perform their job duties. Database usage has become the mainstay of the NAWCWD Technical Library, with all staff members and patrons utilizing numerous databases daily. The more frequently used databases at the NAWCWD Technical Library are the STILAS Workflow Catalog, and the Information File, a FileMaker Pro database used to store useful point-of-contact information. This paper will explain these databases, as well as their importance to the NAWCWD Technical Library and proposed improvements to each, where applicable.

STILAS, the Technical Library’s networked computer cataloging database, is essential to our day-to-day operations. It allows both patrons and staff up-to-the-minute access to the library current holdings. It shows what is available for check out, what is already checked out, and in some instances- what is missing from the library’s collection. The records that appear in the online catalog are created by a process called copy cataloging. Copy cataloging is the process of “copying bibliographic records from a source database such as OCLC WorldCat, [and] has increased librarians efficiency by eliminating duplication of effort. One library creates a bibliographic record for an item such as a book and many other libraries can copy or migrate the data into their local online catalogs, thus saving each individual library the work of cataloging the item and entering the data into the system.” (Beall & Kafadar, 2004). There is one potential flaw to copy cataloging, however. If the original record is created with typographical errors, those errors are then imported, or migrated, into every successive database there afterwards. A typographical error can greatly hinder one’s ability to locate desired materials, so this is not situation that is best avoided. However, this flaw can be eliminated or greatly reduced if care is taken to carefully select the source of the record. For instance, if the cataloger at the Technical Library has the option of copy cataloging an original record from a Library of Congress (LCC) cataloger, or from an elementary school library technician, she should choose the LCC record. Another way to reduce the incidence of typographical errors is to proofread every new record imported. Both of these efforts would help to maintain the integrity of the library’s online catalog. Another possible improvement that could be made to the library’s online catalog would be to invest in the latest edition of the software. Currently, the library is running the 2001 version of the system which is quite outdated. Several improvements have been made since that release, and investing in the 2004 version would greatly increase the library’s capabilities. The 2004 version has a much more user-friendly query language, similar to the search capabilities of Google. Another benefit to upgrading the current version of the database is that it would allow us to implement an RFID system within the library. The version that we currently have is not compatible with RFID technology.

According to Jeff Angus of PC World, FileMaker Pro has long been the choice for people who dont need complicated database capabilities. Years ago, the Technical Library created a FileMaker Pro database with the intended purpose of hosting valuable point-of-contact information. These points-of-contacts range from helpful librarians at other military libraries, to document or platform specific contacts. To many staff members, this database is invaluable. It often contains information that one cannot obtain through alternate sources. This database is hosted on the library’s network server, and can be readily accessed by all staff members. The Technical Library’s FileMaker Pro Information File is just as Jeff Angus described- an uncomplicated database. In fact, it

is a file sharing app. Although not a popular one, the FileMaker Pro service does offer the flexibility to organize and manage personal and private information on a large scale. To view the details of the FileMaker Pro service, click the Create button- that takes you to the Service. The FileMaker Pro service gives you the freedom to add and delete your personal information. You can easily search for information in the FileMaker Pro database or just to view it from the database on your own. With FileMaker, FileMaker Pro provides the opportunity to create data sets, documents and applications that others with existing information might not easily access, and to view or edit files based on that information. In addition, FileMaker Pro allows other users to view files from either the official web site, within the software’s native file format, or the files and directories of third parties. With FileMaker, FileMaker Pro enables other file sharing libraries to provide easy access to, and access to, information within existing and potential third parties.

Accessibility, FileMaker Pro Support For more information about the FileMaker Pro software, please visit the FileMaker Pro website. To download an open source operating system (OS) to install it, visit the App Store. To download free software for you to use on FileMaker Pro, download the file installer. FileMaker Pro requires the GNU General Public License for your software to load.

Support for the file system As of December 19, 2015, FileMaker Pro currently ships with a free downloadable file installer. The free installer gives you the ability to download and install any other information that you may be willing to ask for. There are three different file types that are available: *.jpg, *.rar, and .dmg. Each of these formats gives you a range of file types. File Types for Files With the Free Programmer’s Library on Your PC

File Types for Files are often the biggest problems with using FileMaker Pro. The most common File Types for Files are those that contain more than 100 individual characters, like U+0100. These characters are typically hard to spot and can easily be interpreted by other computers with advanced coding skills with minimal effort. It is also easy to make small changes to these files and to add or delete them with a command such as FileMan. This is very useful and can be easily done by users of file sharing applications with many different types available.

File Types for Files are sometimes called “symbols” in FileMaker Pro. The file is typically composed of a regular text file which is easily read by anyone other than a trusted file system administrator. These characters are commonly very hard to read by an inexperienced user- such as MS Word and Microsoft Word. An inexperienced user will often write to the file saying, “Hello, I’ve uploaded an image to upload to FileMan.”, which are frequently translated as “Please don’t do this!”, “I’m not sure”, or “Thank you”, which are commonly translated as “What should I do?”, “What do I do with that?”, or “Can’t remember

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Database Usage And Technical Library. (August 16, 2021). Retrieved from