Behavoiral Studies
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Behavoiral studies can be best analyst using the biblical theory of the books of Proverbs and Ecclessiates.
They are the best theories so far created on the principle of behavior. They explain why we all behave the ways we do., thanks to their inspiration being from the very maker of mankind himself. Could any other person have known the answer?

“In the begining God created the earth” Male and female he created us. And he also gave a manual The Bible to guide how we behave with one another. Nothing can best describe how we should behave.

Other people have tried over the ages to expain the complexity of the human behavior, but none has renderred any conclusive theory that is not subjected to critical analysis and debates. So many theories are out there onthe human behavior and its science, and yet no one has come to agree with any others theory. rather what we see is arguments and more questions.

This goes to show us that there can not be any better understanding of the human behavior than the handbook from the makder himself, The Bible!. Many have thougth of this great book as just one of those fiction books out there, but far be it from that! It is the very manuscript that teaches the fundamentals of human behavior, and its science. It is the only book that boldly state where we came from and where we are going to. The spirit of man is from above and at death it goes back to the maker, while that of animals goes bellow. who could authoritavely have told us this than mans maker himself?

If you want to know more about why we behave the way we do, please buy a bible today and start reading it form the very begining.
I can assure you that you will never have come across a better illustration about why you were born, and what you are doing down here, and where you will be hereafter.

If you have any doubt on any subject you read in the bible, you are free to contact a pastor close to you or contact me on Skype anyday anytime, id: ademola.aderemi.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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Complexity Of The Human Behavior And Biblical Theory Of The Books Of Proverbs. (July 6, 2021). Retrieved from