People Who Complain
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These rainy days have brought my mood down a bit. I want it to be warm and dry again so we can all wear skirts and go to the beach at night and play in the sand. However despite the lousy weather I know that clear skies are up ahead, eventually, so theres no reason to sulk and complain about it.

I feel bad for the people who are constantly sulking and complaining about their problems. I know I and pretty much everyone else in the world is guilty of doing this from time to time, but some people have it so engrained into their lives that theres no way that they could not be miserable. Its almost to the point that it seems like theyre bored and they are simply looking for some sort of attention. Theyll fixate on a problem and complain about how they have so many problems in their life and nobody else gets it. Theyll look around at the people in their life and assume the worst and just hate everyone. Theyll think that if someone asks them how theyre doing that they have ulterior motives behind their question and that their really just selfish and annoying. Theyll get worked up and dramatic about everything because somehow it brings some sort of excitement to their lives. Theyll complain about how everyone else sucks and is making their life miserable.

I feel bad for them because they get so worked up in their unhappiness that they cant even see out of it to realize that its not other people that are ruining their lives, its them. Eventually things are going to turn around, but only if you dont stick your heels in the ground where you can complain about how the rest of the world is ruining your life.

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Lousy Weather And Else Sucks. (July 7, 2021). Retrieved from