Global CommunicationsEssay Preview: Global CommunicationsReport this essayGlobal Communications is a corporation that is in a transitional period in its life. The industry is changing and Global Communications needs to rise above the rest and become a leader as they have in the past. Many problems arise with becoming an industry leader, but with analysis and hard work Global Communications will become an industry leader not only in communications but an industry leader on how to run a major corporations.

Global Communications is facing a changing market. Three years ago Global Communications stock traded at $28 per share. Today it trades at $11 per share. The problem is competition. Phone companies are competing for the same consumers for local, long distance and international services. Cable companies are offering package deals that include the consumers telephone, cable television, and Internet services. Global Communication will implement the following plan to insure its viability.

Situation AnalysisIssue and Opportunity IdentificationGlobal Communications is facing a changing market. Three years ago Global Communications stock traded at $28 per share. Today it trades at $11 per share. The problem is competition. Phone companies are competing for the same consumers for local, long distance and international services. Cable companies are offering package deals that include the consumers telephone, cable television, and Internet services. Global Communication is also facing a crisis of the bottom line. If they do not decrease the overhead and increase the profit margin they will not be in business long.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical DilemmasThe stakeholders in this scenario all have interests, rights, and values. The main stakeholders in this scenario are the senior executives at Global Communications, the Technologies Workers Union employees who work for Global Communication and the union workers who work for the other competing corporations. The consumers are another set of stakeholders in this scenario. All three of these groups can be broken down into smaller groups, or even can include just on individual. All the stakeholders in this scenario have rights, values, and interests, and some other the rights, values, and interests compete with each other for the end goals.

Maria Antez is the Vice President and liaison to Global Communications. On a personal level she feels defeated due to the outcome of the last contract negotiations is which the union workers lost some of their educational and health benefits. Maria values her appearance in the professional world, and has an interest in making sure that she does not lose any further benefits or other concessions in future negotiations. Maria also knows that she needs to maintain a working relationship with Global Communications executives. Maria believes that she had the right to be a part of any strategic discussions involving the union workers. “Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party” (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2003, p. 486) Katrina Heinz is the CEO of Global Communications; her interests lay with the stockholders and the members of the board to which she reports. She values her appearance and needs to make sure that is getting financial results as quickly as possible to prove to the stockholders and the members of the board that they made the right decision in hiring her to run Global Communications. Katrina believes that the union workers will go with their idea because it will save the company and increase jobs. While this may be the case the union feels left out and that they are being not only taken advantage of but that their input to the situation is not valuable.

Problem StatementGlobal Communications will improve communications and continue to grow to become an industry leader in telecommunications by increasing profitability and retaining it best employees.

End-State VisionGlobal Communications is an industry leader because of their employees and superior products. They treat everyone with respect and open communication. They have decreased employee turnover by offering non-monetary incentives such as employee discounts of goods and services that Global Communications offers, and its industry partners offer. Its partnerships with other companies have increased its profitability by decreasing its overhead. For example, the alliance with a satellite company has allowed Global Communications not to launch and maintain its own satellite, which in turn saves millions. Its new calling centers in India and Ireland has become a huge success because of a benchmarking technique used. They have realized the communication problems between customer and call representative and Global Communications is now the industry leader in training of foreign cultures in western phone communications.

Alternative SolutionsGlobal Communications has many paths laid out in front of them to increase profitability. “ConAgra Foods Inc. one of North Americas leading packaged food companies, announced plans to divest most of its refrigerated meats businesses, including the Armour, Butterball, and Eckrich brands” (Kircher, 2006). In addition, the company announced several changes designed to streamline its operating structure, including moving its Grocery Foods headquarters from Irvine, California to Naperville, Illinois and further centralizing its shared services (Kircher, 2006). This would be a useful plan for centralization. Global Communications could centralize the call centers instead of moving them oversea and outsourcing them. This could cut the overhead of brick and mortar building across the country and bring it to one location. Global Communications could pick the best location for this and close the other more expensive call centers.

Global Communications could also keep the jobs here in the United States but cut the union workers wages. This could be accomplished by making partnerships with other companies to offer significant discounts on products and services that the employee already uses, such as electricity and water. They could also offer discounts for Global Communications products and services. According to CNN, many companies provide their employees with deep discounts of products and services. “Though the policies do vary slightly from one airline to the next, most carriers allow employees, their spouses, children and parents unlimited stand-by privileges. That is, they can get on any of the airlines flights for free as long as a seat is open. For a small fee or percentage of the fare, they also can get a last-minute seat on

Global Communications’s CEO, John DeGaz, suggested in a recent email that the airline would expand this offer on a case-by-case basis to include some of its customers. DeGaz said,

We expect this will come on-air soon.

Our goal is to increase the number of customers we have as part of our service and expand beyond just our existing customers. We want to make sure our customers are able to enjoy many of these opportunities and find the best value for their families.

John and his staff believe that a great number of our customers already share their personal experiences with us.

Our goal is to deliver new opportunities to all of our business clients, while working together to continue to grow. While we strive to expand our business at a fast, efficient and competitive pace, as we strive to meet our customers’ and their values, we want our clients, employees, partners and their families in good, healthy and happy relationships.

I am pleased to join the Global Communications leadership team to talk about how we are evolving our business so that it is compatible with the needs of the global economy and help deliver the future of our business

Today’s coverage comes as New York Daily News is announcing that it’s planning to buy more shares of a company called Global Communications, and its chief partner, former President and CEO Bill Nye.

The company is investing millions of dollars in a new way of doing work with a new CEO. At that point, the company will have one of two options to pursue either of the two or both of them. They either sell it to Citi, which can earn up to $200 million in its share price, or they go forward with an IPO or buy it off. Although we think that will offer great value, the only upside it could provide is that it keeps an extremely diverse team of new employees in place.

Our goal is to bring all our business relationships back to normal by investing millions of dollars annually in new business partners.

When we started, Citi seemed to be a dream team, so we really wanted to build this up. In recent years, our team has grown by nearly 25% from 2000 to 2013.

Our goal is to build up a long-term investment in a company, where each new company brings with it very high returns, high expenses and high value.

We want our new customers to be proud to serve us.

As we grow bigger and better, our goal is to deliver the best prices, in this rapidly changing world, while keeping things as transparent as possible.

We are committed to building a strong and diverse workforce with the confidence and commitment of a globally powerful community. As our world experiences significant economic change, we will work to bring our business partners closer together and increase flexibility in their work.

Our goal is to continue growing rapidly, which leads inevitably to some changes, but also to be better in the long run. This is our goal.


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Global Communications And Smaller Groups. (August 14, 2021). Retrieved from