The Alphabet of Taste Case Study – Case Study – ohomary
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The Alphabet of Taste Case Study
Azbuka vkysa.”The alphabet of Taste” is founded in 1992. Since 1997 the company develops as retail network of product supermarkets which basis for business philosophy uncompromising quality and freshness of assortment and personal service for each client are.Today the company unites more than 80 supermarkets in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. Thanks to the unique concept and continuous development the Alphabet of Taste trademark remains to one of the brightest and recognizable Russian brands.Mission of the company consists in creation of a world-best network of product supermarkets which aims to increase quality of life of people, setting standards of culture of trade and social responsibility of business. We give to our buyers the chance to derive pleasure from each purchase, to our partners – to build the long-term, reliable and open relations, to our employees – constantly to develop and receive a worthy assessment of a personal deposit.The network of the supermarkets “Alphabet of Taste” is one of leaders of the Russian retail market and wins first place among product retailers on a goods turnover on square meter, possessing assortment over 18 thousand SKU from 900 producers and suppliers from 70 countries of the world. An official company auditor is Ernst&Young entering into “Big Four” of the leading auditing organizations of the world.”The alphabet of Taste” became the first Russian product retail network which has implemented the quality management system based on the principles of the ISO 9001:2000 standard. In 2012 the company for the second time has successfully confirmed compliance to requirements of quality management system of the international standard ISO 9001:2008. Audit was booked by Det Norske Veritas fund, one of the most authoritative international certification authorities.Top managers of the company for many years take the leading places in a rating “TOP-1000 the Russian managers” which is constituted by the business newspaper “Kommersant” and Association of managers of Russia.Charity and support of social initiatives are an important element of business philosophy of “the Alphabet of Taste”. The care of children and preserving environment remain priorities of social responsibility of the company traditionally.Mission of the companyMISSION of the ALPHABET of TASTE – to create a world-best networkproduct supermarkets which gives an opportunity:• To society – to increase quality of life of people, setting standards of culture trade and social responsibility of business
• To clients – to derive pleasure from each purchase  • To partners – to build the long-term reliable and open relations  • – it is permanent to personnel to develop, participating with team of adherents in lives of the company and receiving a worthy assessment of a personal deposit  • To shareholders – to have material and psychological dividends from ownership the best retail company in the worldVision of the Alphabet of Taste on the main prospects:• The alphabet of Taste is the company which is most successful in the market on to dynamics of growth of cost in case of moderate risks (Finance)• The alphabet of Taste is the company which offers a product, most full satisfying needs of buyers (Clients)• The alphabet of Taste is the company which provides high quality for the accountuses of the best technologies (Business processes)• The alphabet of Taste is the company which successfully attracts and is effectiveuses resourcesMarketing auditFMCG retail marketDespite existing just slightly more than a quarter of a century Russian retail market is 5-th biggest in the world and estimated as approximately 315 bln. $.FMCG-retail market (or fast moving consumer goods) in Russia consists of several huge chain stores, which devided into three segments: hypermarkets and Cash&Carry, supermarkets and discounters; and some smaller local chains, insividual stores, premium supermarkets etc.Market is divided into three similar segments: 33% discounters’ market share, 39% for hypermarkets and 29% for supers, the last share belongs to traditional stores, private shops and to the premium segment.The most powerful players are seven largest retailers: the list includes Russian and international chains and rate them by the annual revenue. The two Russian giants Magnit and X5 retail group places the first and the second positions and exceed transnational competitors in twice. Among a premium of segments it is the Alphabet of taste (25%), Aliye Parysa (21%), Globus Gurme (17%) and Bakhetle (13%).
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"The Alphabet of Taste Case Study." 03, 2016. Accessed 03, 2016.
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By: ohomary
Submitted: March 27, 2016
Essay Length: 4,357 Words / 18 Pages
Paper type: Case Study Views: 508
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