Teen Pregnancy: Community InterventionTeen Pregnancy: Community InterventionTeen Pregnancy: Community InterventionProblem:The Red Springs Community faces serious challenges, including poverty, crime, unemployment, and high dropout rates among their students. The main issue I would like to discuss is teen pregnancy. Despite the decline in babies being born to adolescent mothers nationally, teen pregnancy still remains a problem. Teen mothers are less likely to complete high school, less likely to get married, and more likely to depend on welfare than their peers. Teen pregnancy robs teens of their childhood and their futures as productive adults. It also robs their children, and their childrens children. Many programs have been implemented to help prevent teen pregnancies. The Department Health and Human Services have implemented Abstinence Education and other programs in schools to promote abstinence from sexual activity until marriage. The problem with this is that too many times parents are not involved in these educational programs. What about the teens that had adolescent mothers as children, it tends to be a vicious cycle. Too many parents and other adults in positions of leadership are unwilling to take a strong stand against teen pregnancy. In some communities it is considered to be the norm. That is why everyone should play a part and get involved in small rural communities to educate and help solve some of the issues involved with teen pregnancy.

Etiology of the problem:In my opinion the etiology of the problem starts with the home environment. Children live what by what they are taught at an early age. In poor communities such as Red Springs, low level incomes, single-parent families and uneducated parents help contribute to adolescent pregnancies. A study by Berry, Shillington, Peak, & Hohman, (2000) states “at the mezzo level, given the finding that low level of mothers education attainment is a risk factor, it may be advantageous to continue the attempts of educators to include parents, specifically mothers, in school-based programs. Research performed by Noll (2007) states “There are certain time-invariant life circumstances that are thought to predispose some adolescents to pregnancy-risk. For example, various contextual factors have been shown to have a significant relationship to teen pregnancy-risk such as parental separation or divorce, single-parent families, and early exposure to family violence.” She also added that “Poverty and other socioeconomic factors are among the most commonly cited contextual variables associated with teen pregnancy-risk” (p.2). Another problem is that children who are born to adolescent mothers are also at risk for becoming pregnant and dropping out of school. A study by Dahinten, Shapka & Wilms (2007) states “There is considerable evidence that the children of adolescent mothers experience poorer cognitive, academic, and behavioral outcomes during childhood when compared with children born to older mothers” (p.195). Abstinence along with other programs may help with teen pregnancy, but parents and other mentors should be educated to help these young girls form structure in their home environment.

Target for intervention:Teenage girls in the Red Springs community would be best helped if a community coalition program was set in place allowing parents, students, teachers, school social workers and mentors in the area to come together and educate one another on the issues of teen pregnancy. The proposed program would help target adolescent girls becoming pregnant and dropping out of school. I think this intervention would successfully address the problem due to the fact that parents would be more educated and informed about their teenager’s issues to form a better environment in the home. Teachers could collaborate with parents and the school social workers about any changes that have occurred with the teenagers. Gaining knowledge in any situation always helps with resolving issues faced by a small rural community.

Goal of Intervention:The goal of the community coalition program is to decrease the number of adolescent mothers in the Red Springs community. The desired end state would be that the parents in the community along with the school staff would be more aware and educated about the issues of teens in this area and there would be a significant drop in adolescent girls getting pregnant after the program is implemented. I will know that the goal is achieved by quarterly reports provided for parents, social workers, school staff, and others to receive feedback from them about the success of the program and for them to provide information about what they have learned through the program. A report one year after the program has been established from

Citizen and Child Advocacy Director


1. The purpose here is to establish the National Teen and Teen Pregnant Program in the hopes that the federal government can provide guidance in how to address this problem, while at the same time encouraging parents, legislators, organizations and other stakeholders to develop better legislation and programs that address the challenges of teen pregnancies.

2. This is a national coalition of 25 state, local and tribal parents’ groups working together to promote a positive, responsible, and balanced message from all of the nation’s adult, young adult, and middle-aged parents, at the same time making each family’s own decisions about what, where, and how to share their personal information about their children. The purpose of the coalition is to provide additional information to parents who are concerned about their children’s future safety, in all aspects of their children’s life, and in the public’s knowledge. It is a program specifically designed to provide the resources to address the most pressing issues of teen pregnancy in this country while achieving a positive, sustainable family that will bring each parent into the world as a strong mother. As an example, the coalition’s effort includes the following: A national survey commissioned to report the impact of teenagers living in families where their parents have no access to safe, affordable, supportive, and affordable care has been commissioned, but which parents are not confident about. The Coalition will conduct this survey with local, regional, and Federal law enforcement agencies to ensure this assessment is accurate. It will also conduct research with parents seeking information on how federal law enforcement and the Federal Child Care Assistance Program can help them with their own children’s needs. The goal of the coalition is to provide additional information to parents who are concerned about their children’s future safety, in all aspects of their children’s life, and in the public’s knowledge. A report on the Impact of Teen Moms and Moms of Color on the Children’s Day Parade on May 18, 2017 will be released by the Coalition.

3. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of teens who would be most prepared and have the most resources in the future to make a positive determination about the issues surrounding girls’ and women’s reproductive health and whether their reproductive health is at risk.

4. The purpose of this study is to assist families who want to become aware of the issues involved with teen pregnancy, and also support families in making informed decisions about how to support teen moms and parents in dealing with teenage pregnancies.

5. The purpose of this study is to help parents in the community who decide about whether to share the information between their children and the public in the hopes of bringing awareness of teen pregnancies. This may include information about the program through its own websites or through the social services systems the partners of the group provide.

6. The purpose of this study is to help parents with their kids be aware of issues

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Teen Pregnancy And Red Springs Community. (August 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/teen-pregnancy-and-red-springs-community-essay/