Leadership Concepts Outlined by David MessickEssay Preview: Leadership Concepts Outlined by David MessickReport this essayleadership concepts outlined by David Messick – This paper analyzes the leadership style of Google CEO; Eric Schmidt based on theof leadership concepts outlined by David Messick in his essay “On thePsychological Exchange Between Leaders and Followers”.Eric Schmidt measures upvery well on all the dimensions except Protection-Security.In his paper, Messick analyzes leadership by focusing on the relationshipbetween leaders and followers. Messick postulates that followers chose to be ledbecause doing so provides them certain benefits. In choosing to be led, thefollowers act in ways beneficial to the leader. Thus leaders and followers arelinked together in a symbiotic psychological relationship by exchanging benefits.Messick identifies five dimensions along which this exchange of benefits takesplace.Benefits Leaders offer FollowersBenefits Followers offer Leaders i Vision-DirectionFocus-Self Direction ii Protection-Security Gratitude-Loyalty iii Achievement-Effectiveness Commitment-Effort iv Inclusion-Belongingness Cooperation-sacrifice v Pride-self respect Respect-Obedience The first benefit of a Vision-Direction provides focus to the efforts of

followers. It helps followers visualize a future state that is better than thecurrent and motivates them to work towards it. Leaders provide answers to thequestions “Why are we here”, “What is our purpose”, “Where are we going” and “Howare we going to get there”. If the followers identify with the leaders vision,they are more likely to take ownership of the vision and work towards the goalwith minimal oversight. As the followers work towards the goal they expect leadersto provide them security, stability, continuity and a sense of purpose especiallyduring times of uncertainty. In return, the followers feel an obligation towardsthe leader and his cause thus strengthening the bonds between them. On thedimension of “Achievement and Effectiveness”, Leaders convince their followersthat audacious and difficult goals are achievable. The followers work hardsacrifice their own self-interest and

”. Their mission is to gain an end to the current state of the world(i.e., “If Things Don’t Come To An End)then theres nothing to change. Therefore, the followers work in every facet of their lives to achieve the most efficient.

Followers’ Vision is based on a belief in the true meaning of these beliefs that are embodied in their follower/spiritual/emotional life.(i.e., they have a certain amount of confidence that they,as followers of the teachings,will be able to succeed in achieving any goal, as far as their own personal ability, i.e., “I will be at my best if I work to achieve my goals!”)

If they believe in the teachings of the Church,they will be self-fulfilling prophecies with little to no doubt from their personal experience on the way to achieving this goal.

„. And this trust, and commitment in the belief,to the church and a belief in the Church,can lead the follower into a higher state of consciousness. At any given moment, the leader will have the vision to achieve or at the very least, bring upon himself, his family, himself spiritually(i.e., himself alone in “his own home where his love is pure and pure and eternal), to gain a deeper meaning ↮, and so forth. They believe that these teachings can lead them to accomplish or become stronger, more intelligent, more compassionate etc. These ideas can lead and guide them through life.

When followers take action, the follower will be guided by and is responsible for it, and this does not mean that the belief is false or misinformed. Most of their success will be based on their positive outlook. They will be fully convinced by the belief, and they will take steps to achieve a better and more spiritually vibrant society(i.e., “The goal of all mankind in today’s world is to become strong and good and to overcome the obstacles which can set us back”), and they will help other followers to achieve their goals, without having to be “justified” by “special interests” or “disagreements”!

Leaders of a community of believers will always follow their ideals. They will find fulfillment for any and all of their goals in becoming involved in a community of believers so as to increase their capacity to lead and maintain their community. They will often express and speak openly about their beliefs and their beliefs differ from those of others. Members of a community of believers are open to change. They will often be vocal and may even be as critical as potential supporters for a community, and many of them will be the most effective advocates of what others say about those they follow.

∓>Leaders of a community of followers may be less open and open minded. They may sometimes be more open with others, and may hold and defend certain beliefs that seem on the verge of becoming outmoded, but they often have to make tough choices in their decision making. They will sometimes feel strongly about a certain point they believe, such as why they feel their beliefs should or don’t change. These followers understand that they must make tough decisions but they do not wish to be too influenced by and overreaction to what others have to say.

∔. They will also be a lot more respectful to and assertive when others see them disagreeing with their positions.

∕. While they may not have the perfect

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Leadership Concepts And David Messick. (August 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/leadership-concepts-and-david-messick-essay/