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To start off, my name is Michael Larsen , I am an outgoing very energetic guy. I enjoy being outdoors and doing physical activities. Some of my favorite activities include hunting, fishing, hiking, snowboarding, and dirtbiking. I usually hunt and fish with my dad and uncle. We have ran into grizzly bears over by Yellowstone quite a few times. One time I was bow hunting for elk with my dad and we were trying to call in a big bull, turns out that a sow and her two cubs came running to an elk call, just like a dinner bell. My dad had to shoot a warning shot into the rocks right in front of the sow, 60 yards before it noticed that we were not messing around. The sow gave a terrible roar then ran with her cubs down the hill into the tree line and out of sight.

Next, I have played many sports in my life but football is definitely my favorite. When I have a bad day it helps me get my anger out without using words. I have a trait that many people are not fond of because I do not like to do homework, and may ask to copy yours. Dont take offense to this, I have been a procrastinator all of my life. Another thing is, I have a short fuse so do not displease me. Haha just kidding, but seriously dont do it. Waking me up rudely is one quick way to enrage me. On bus trips, for my sports, teammates were afraid to wake me up because I would wake up and be very rude and somewhat scary. On a bus trip to Cody Wyoming, a friend accidently spilled some water on the seat. Not knowing that I was sleeping on the floor because it was dark, he brushed the water off onto the floor, I woke up and started yelling because I thought they were messing with me. Once I calmed down I was very embarrassed because almost everyone on the bus was sleeping until I woke them up with my ridiculous yelling. I apologized to my friends and went right back to sleep.

If you ever want to motivate me to do something, being negative is the wrong way to do it. When people yell or

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Grizzly Bears And Bus Trips. (July 10, 2021). Retrieved from