Source of Information
In all my writing assignments my main source of information is through personal experiences. I am not wiser than anybody else but if I know a lot about a topic than that is what I am going to try to tailor an assignment too. I often use the K.I.S.S. method or otherwise known as Keep It Simple Stupid. It makes my life a whole lot easier. That is not my only source of information however, I also include information I have learned from professionals and friends and used some of their viewpoints for information in my essays. I will describe the sources of information that I used for assignments one and four.

While drafting assignment one I mainly used personal experience but also had to use some viewpoints from my friends. This essay was about the night I got assaulted in the Azores. I described the before and after effects of this life changing event. This was a night that changed my life forever and was easy to write about because I think about it every day because I still have some of the physical pain that will never go away. I did include some of the viewpoints from my wife and friends. This was only because I was unconscious during some of the night and impossible to recall. Drafting this essay was simple because I lived through the event and had my wife and friends right there with me through the whole situation to cover some of the points that I can’t recall because I was knocked out.

Assignment four I again used personal experience but with this essay I included viewpoints from aviation professionals I have talked to over the years since I have been in the US Air Force. I knew all along that I wanted to have my degree major in Business Administration with the concentration in international management and use it to work at an international airport in Texas, once I retire from the military. I said it a few times before but I love being around aircraft and my job in the military deals with planes and military airport terminals

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Source Of Information And Writing Assignments. (July 12, 2021). Retrieved from