Making Schools Safer For Kids
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“Making schools safer for kids”
In the article, “Making schools safer for kids” Deedee Corrdini explains how much school violence there is caused after school between the hours of 2 and 8 p.m. She says that schools can consider later starting times to meet childrens learning patterns better and could extend the school day to reduce those hours in the afternoon when kids are vulnerable and tempted to turn to crime and violence (Corradini pg 2). One example of action took place in long beach, California, where they instituted school uniforms, to promote discipline and provide a cut down on violent activity(Corradini pg 2).
The idea is not to create a prison atmosphere at the schools, but to bring peace of mind to teachers and students who wont have to worry that someone in the building may have a weapon. Preventing outbreaks of violence is the goal, while keeping in sight that importance of a quality education and meeting childrens basic needs(Corradini pg 2).
Programs are areas such as continued learning, physical education, arts, music, and recreation should be offered after school. In some cases, schools can become a local for health clinics, social service agencies, and police involvement, so that children can have better access to these organizations. The federal government can do more to encourage after-school opportunities for children. Financial; support for the community programs is vital. One idea is to encourage employers to create family-friendly workplaces. Perhaps tax incentives would allow business to launch day care or after-school care programs. There is nothing more important than Americas children. The nation owes it to them to provide quality education in safe environment and give them all the resources possible for a healthy and full time(Corradini pg 4).
Corradini is stating that if there is a structured environment then there