Corporation Analysis
ASSESSMENT ON THE EXTENT OF DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED BY COMPUTER STUDENTS IN SADSIGN AND THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A CORRELATION ANALYSISChapter 4PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA        This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the gathered data in response to the questions being raised in this paper.        Problem 1. What is the demographic profile of computer students of STI College Alabang in terms of age, gender and program?Profile of Computer Students in terms of Age        Figure showed the profile of computer students when they were grouped according to age. They were divided into three (3) groups, namely; (a) 16 year old and below, (b) 17 – 18 year old and (c) 20 year old and above.        Figure #. Profile of Computer Students in terms of Age        Figure showed the percentage distribution of the profile of computer students when they were grouped according to age. It showed that out of 109 respondents, half of them or 50% were from the age group 20 year old and above. Also, there were 46% of them who came from the age bracket 17 – 19 year old. However, there were few or 4% of them who were at age 1 year old and below.[pic 1]

MAKE AN IMPLICATION BASED ON THE FINDINGS…Profile of Computer Students in terms of Gender        Figure showed the profile of computer students when they were grouped according to gender. They were categorized into two (2) groups, namely; (a) male and (b) female.         Figure #. Profile of Computer Students in terms of Gender        Figure showed the percentage distribution of the profile of computer students when they were grouped according to gender. It showed that out of 109 respondents, more than half of them were male students having a total percentage share of 55%. On the other hand, there were 45% of them who were female students. [pic 2]        MAKE AN IMPLICATION BASED ON THE FINDINGS…Profile of Computer Students in terms of Programs        Figure showed the profile of computer students when they were grouped according to programs. They were classified into three (3) groups, namely; (a) BSIT, (b) BSCS and (c) ACT        Figure #. Profile of Computer Students in terms of Programs        Figure showed the percentage distribution of the profile of computer students when they were grouped according to programs. It showed that out of 109 respondents, dominant majority of them were under BSIT program with 77% share in the distribution. In addition, there were 20% and 3% who were under BSCS and ACT programs, respectively.[pic 3]

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Computer Students And Terms Of Age. (July 12, 2021). Retrieved from