Essay Preview: Context
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There is one thing that must always be remembered when reading any religious text. There are universal timeless truths sprinkled throughout these texts and teachings. However, there are many time-specific truths, as well. These are writings and teachings meant to guide and instruct the people at a specific point in the social / political / economic / psychological climate in which they were penned or taught. This goes for the verbal teachings as well. All through the recorded history of humankind there have been Masters, Avatars, Teachers and Prophets wandering through the inhabited world, teaching and assisting the populace. They have been known by many names; Speakers, Shaman, Medicine Man/Woman, Healers.

These verbal teachings were usually written many years or even centuries after they were given. As a result, errors crept into the transcribed material. The teachings could be (and usually were) outdated by the time they were written down. Further, since the above mentioned climates had changed, they were filtered through the existing climate of the environment, as well as being filtered through the prejudices of the scribe.

There are universal truths, and there are truths meant for a specific period of time and circumstance. Do not confuse the two. This is where man problems have arisen in today’s current environment. Everything is written and given for the context of the Time the information is given. Everything is filtered through the medium of the scribe.

We can make the utmost information available, but if it is too far beyond the comprehension level of the individuals for whom intended, such information is worse than useless. There is not sufficient background experience or understanding to make the information useful for those for whom it is meant. As an example, should a Greek tell a Native American, “I Love You,” and the Native American can not understand Greek, the message is lost. So it is also, with our communications with you.

We have to be sure the language and the context are compatible with the level of knowledge of both the scribe and the intended audience. We cannot teach advanced calculus to a child who has no understanding of basic arithmetic, or long division. Therefore, everything we speak to you is stated in the terms your environmental consciousness can understand, comprehend and benefit from. When we say, �benefit from’, we speak in the terms of Growth. We speak simultaneously on the physical, mental, social and Spiritual levels.

Much is given for your immediate use your social interactions. Much is given in respect to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Most of what we tell you is given for your Spiritual advancement, both you as individuals, and you as ASHAYAM, meaning you as the collective consciousness of AYASHAYAMA, or humankind, male and female.

Let us define some terms here in this moment. When we use the words �us’ or �we’, we are referring to the HIGHER SELVES of every individuated consciousness incarnate on Planet Earth. We are in constant contact with the Archangels, and with AYASHAYAMA. We have strands of consciousness capable of constant and instant communication with Archangels, AYASHAYAMA, and any or every incarnate entity at any moment.

AYASHAYAMA is the Supreme Consciousness, the ALL THAT IS, the Prime and Primary Creator. You have called AYASHAYAMA by many names throughout your human history. GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH, JEHOVAH are but a few of the myriad of names by which AYASHAYAMA is known, and has been known.

When we use the term �you’, it can be in the sense of the individual entity or in the sense of the collective Consciousness of all incarnate entities. Should there be a doubt of the focus of the statement, we will remember to clarify. Contextual usage will usually be sufficient to clarify the meaning.

What is reality? What is real? As these questions are stated to us their ambiguity is obvious. To you as individuals, they are very clear. You call your world of Earth the world of illusion. In its own terms, however, it is very real. Should you throw yourself off the top of a ten story building, you will find a very abrupt change of your focus consciousness. You are in a world of physicality, and you are a physical being. An abrupt impact of one Being with a solid object can have disastrous results, in your reality.

Reality is not a constant. Let us rephrase that for clarification: Reality is not a constant throughout the whole of Creation. There are many dimensions whose reality is completely beyond the human, 3-D based consciousness. Likewise, there are dimensions whose reality you can perceive, yet because of your preconceptions, and your systems of logic you cannot understand.

The question then arises in your mind: “How can we understand that which we perceive?”
You must leave behind your vaunted knowledge and wisdom, and become as a blank slate board, willing to be written on freely and freshly. You must first understand that while all knowledge is available to you, not all will be comprehensible to you. You do not have sufficient grasp of the fundamental Laws of the various alternate realities to understand what you perceive. Further, even if you have knowledge of those Laws, such knowledge does not always equate to comprehension or wisdom in their use. As on your Earth, knowledge of physical Law of Substance does not equate to the wisdom of application. Thirdly, you do not fully comprehend the effects and consequences of the applications of your own physical Laws nor there inter-relationships. How, then, do you think you can understand the applications of Laws in a completely different paradigm than your own? How can you expect to conceptualize the Laws of a physical realm operating under a totally different paradigm? The Laws of an alternate reality may be the same in the realm of physics and chemistry, yet the motive forces in the mental, emotional, psychological and Spiritual aspects may be completely beyond your conceptualized comprehension.

As an example, let us take a ten pound lead ball, and drop it off the top ledge of a ten story building. There are formulae in the earthly physics that will tell you the force released upon contact with the ground. This is a part of your Law of Gravity. You are able to calculate to the microsecond how long it will take to hit the ground, and how many ergs of force are released on impact. What

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Universal Timeless Truths And Universal Truths. (July 13, 2021). Retrieved from