Creation Vs. Evolution: How Should They Be Taught in Schools?Essay Preview: Creation Vs. Evolution: How Should They Be Taught in Schools?Report this essayCreation vs. Evolution: How Should They Be Taught in Schools?Evolution should not be taught in schools as fact. Darwins theory was proven wrong recently by many other scientists experiments; however, Creation has been proven neither wrong nor right. if the evolution theory is taught, then the theory of Creation should be taught also.
Many aspects of evolution have been proven to be either wrong or right, such as; moon dust, magnetic fields, fossil records, probabilities, vestigial organs, fossil fuel and formation, punctuated equilibria, dinosaurs, suns diameter, the Nile Rivers overflow, Earths rotation, and the Bible.
Dust from meteoritic objects has fallen to Earth continuously adding up to millions of tons of dust per year. This dust also piles up on the moon at the same rate. When NASAs Lunar ship landed on the moon, astronauts found about one-eighth of an inch of dust, meaning the moon was young. The lack of piled dust on the Earths surface also meant the Earth was young, not billions of years old as it was said to be.
The magnetic field on the Earth is decreasing rapidly. Eight thousand years ago, the Earths magnetism equaled a magnetic stars magnetism. (Martin). This was highly unlikely. Inside the Earths core are electric currents responsible for this magnetism. Twenty-thousand years ago, the Earth would have dissolved from the heat of these electric currents.
“The geological record is extremely imperfect and this fact will to a large extent explain why we do not find intermediate varieties connecting together all of the extinct and existing life forms by the finest graduated steps. He who rejects these views on the nature of the geological record, will rightly reject my whole theory.” Charles Darwin stated. After studying fossils for over one-hundred and thirty years, the idea of having a complete fossil record can be rejected. In the fossil record, all known species show up abruptly with no intermediate forms of the species. This proves that those species did not evolve from one another.
Dr. James Coppedge created a world on the computer making all atoms available. He made amino acids bind one in a half trillion times faster then they do in nature. At this rate, a single protein molecule would take ten to the two-hundred and sixty-two power years to combine by chance. Hominis H39, the smallest single-cell known to mankind would take ten to the 119,841st power years to combine. (Martin). That cell would be smaller then any human cell. “The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way (evolution) is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein,” said Sir Fred Boyle, British
mathematician and astronomer.Evolution theories on fossils and fuels say that they are formed over thousands of years. However, in order to fossilize, objects must be buried rapidly. Fossils and fuels can be found buried all over the world. This must have come from a world-wide catastrophe. In terms of Creationism this catastrophe was most likely Noahs flood. (Martin/Genesis).
The abrupt appearances of species can not be gradual evolution, so another theory was introduced, punctuated equilibria. For example, this would be a bird giving birth to a mammal. Having this happen would leave no transitional fossils in the fossil record. However another animal of the opposite sex and of the same species must be born at the exact same time and in the same area for the continuation of the new species. The odds are astronomical.
Evolutionist believe that dinosaurs were extinct for hundreds before man appeared. However, in legends of many countries there are stories of dinosaur-like animals. Explorers have recorded sightings of flying reptiles. In limestone, near the Paluxy River in Texas, human footprints have been found next to that of a dinosaur. (Martin). Dinosaurs would have had to been on Noahs Ark if they lived at the same time as man. However, the ark was about one and a half football fields long, and its cubic footage was 1,518,750. (Martin). On the ark, Noah was suppose to take two of every kind of animal and there were only two really big dinosaurs, and most were of the same kind, just much smaller. They would have fit on the ark. What happened to the ark though? Did it disappear into thin air? Scientists have not found any physical evidence of the ark.
At a rate of five feet per hour, the suns diameter is shrinking. (Martin). Even one-hundred thousand years ago, life could not have existed on the earth at this rate. Therefore earth could not possibly be as old as evolutionists say it is.
As the Nile River floods each year, the sediment deposited is measured and leads to the conclusion that Earth cannot possibly be more then thirty-thousand years old. Of course, with a few overflows that were larger then normal, when calculated almost matches the biblical amount.
Each year the spin rate of the earth is decreasing by about .00002 seconds. (Martin). The earth would have been deformed notably by the centrifugal force, if it were as old as the evolutionists say.
Most importantly, the world must have been created, because the Bible says that God created every living and non-living thing, and the universe itself. If we deny what the Bible says, we are calling God a liar. In this evolutionary theory we can see how the existence of God is under minded. Why would we put our trust in him if he were a liar? These humanistic ideas are brought about by the evolutionary theory. Citizens who do not believe in God realize they cant prove his non-existence. They just believe that it is easier to think of a world without a creator. “Manybelieve in evolution for the simple reason that they think that science has proven it to be a fact and therefore, it must be accepted. In recent years, a great many people, having finally been persuaded to make a real examination of the problem of evolution, have become convinced of its fallacy and are now convinced anti-evolutionists.”
⓬␉[and] a great many are now supporting a farce of evolution, which has already discredited the idea that God created everything. Many of the anti-evolution movements have not yet received the attention these groups deserve. In fact, the anti-evolution movement has yet to gain any traction at all. A lot of our efforts (even those that involve the creation myth) failed because the pro-evolution movement and the anti-evolution movement have not fully grasped the need to admit this fact and the lack of progress in understanding it. There are a few areas where this is not going to change. In the last two years for example, more and more people have started a counter-Evolution campaign for example. But this is not going to be done by a group that has been formed from a common belief and has been trying to make a case not for evolution, but for what is right, in the name of natural selection, and natural selection is in the eyes of reason.џџWhen a large number of Americans have started their counter-Evolution campaign to attack the Bible, they have been not only targeted in some fashion by a group of anti-scientific, pro-social scientists who wish to destroy science in America, but they have also been targeted on purpose for the purpose of defeating the Bible, their faith and for the Bible itself, not science. Some have even tried to have Christian leaders (usually a couple of people from major denominations) send up anti-science pamphlets so as not to give them ammunition to launch a new religious movement. Of course, I am not saying that this is not the case, but that this may well be the case for the anti-Evolution movement. It is certainly not the case that this anti-evolution campaign is going to happen overnight. But, in the mean time, many of them are being attacked and there are some people doing the anti-evolution campaign on purpose to see if this counter-Evolution campaign is going to succeed. And there are some people that have become very good people and they are being attacked by a group of anti-evolutionist-lovesites and pro-creationists.ӛ{and}Many of them are still believing that God came from the beginning of the universe and that the universe is created over time. And some people do not understand how their God is using our bodies as a tool so as to create new life forms instead of existing on Earth. Yet this is nothing more than a matter of choice. In my defense, many of the anti-evolutionists agree with them, they are not afraid to accept their new and different view (or they argue for changing our current view to match this new one) because they are convinced by their new view that life is natural, that it never could exist on our planet before, and that human beings are the most intelligent of all animals. But there are some anti-evolutionists who are still willing to follow this new idea because they also believe it is right, because they believe that a person is capable of “having” something and this person cannot change his mind, he must learn how to do it himself. These are people who are being taught an old “god,” the natural law of evolution, by a group of human beings who deny the existence of God. And they are not the people we have heard of. They have come from the wrong church and have been brought up by those who have