Rebranding of Us-Bangla Airlines
Essay Preview: Rebranding of Us-Bangla Airlines
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[pic 1]Course Name: MKT337Course Title: Promotional ManagementSection: 09Date of Submission: 15-04-2018Submitted To: Shahneela Naheed (Sne)NameIDK.M. Towfique Ahmed1510149630Tahsin Ahmed1510217630Md. Mehedi Hasan Siam1520355630Monsurul Hassan Galib1430432030Submitted By:                                                                     Table of Content:Background………………………………………………………………………………3Introduction………………………………………………………………………………4Different communication used by US-Bangla Airlines………………………………….5Problem Identification……………………………………………………………………6SWOT Analysis………………………………………………………………………7-8Segmentation and targeting of the airline………………………………………………9Existing Positioning of US Bangla Airlines……………………………………………..10New proposed positioning of US Bangla Airlines………………………………………11Big idea: …………………………………………………………………………………12Message Strategy…………………………………………………………………………13The dominance of image in the campaign……………………………………………….14Advertising appeal which one and why………………………………………………….15Public relation……………………………………………………………………………16Traditional media which and why………………………………………………………..17Other Communication Tools……………………………………………………………..17Evaluate the campaign……………………………………………………………………18References………………………………………………………………………………..18Background: US-Bangla Airlines started operations with domestic flights on 17 July 2014. It is a subsidiary of US-Bangla Group, a United States-Bangladesh joint venture company. Flights to Coxs Bazar from Dhaka were launched in August. In October, the airline launched flights to Saidpur. The motive of this company is to provide excellent service through honesty, quality, integrity, sincerity, joy and professionalism to all our customers. US-Bangla Airlines was established in 2010 and incorporated both in Bangladesh and America, US-Bangla Airlines is the updated passenger scheduled airlines in Bangladesh, initially operating in domestic routes to and from Dhaka, Chittagong, Coxs Bazaar, Jessore, Sylhet, Saidpur, Rajshahi and Barisal. The airlines had a plan to go for regional and important international destinations & now it is flying abroad

In July 2016, the airline announced plans to phase in its first two Boeing 737-800 aircraft in September of the same year, and to subsequently launch new international routes, for example to Singapore and Dubai by the end of 2016.US-Bangla Airlines is planning to acquire Airbus A330 or Boeing 777 to start operations to Jeddah and Riyadh.Introduction: US-Bangla Airlines is the largest nationally schedule in Bangladesh. Apart from scheduled services, the US-Bangla Airlines is engaged in the operation of national and domestic services and also international. US- Bangla Airlines has flights to more than 8 destinations along. Nowadays, the US-Bangla Airlines has successfully been labeled as on of the pioneering airlines in green technology adaption and environmental friendly strategic decisions. The US- Bangla Airlines trying already the first airline to be a part of the scheme of Bangladesh reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Apart from the novelty improvements towards the ways in which passengers actually fly have also undergone huge revolutions thanks to the US- Bangla Airlines.Different communication used by US-Bangla Airlines:Some methods of communication are used by US Bangla Airlines, understanding the availability and benefits that can help them to choose the communication tools which is most likely to their customers. Some of them are mentioned below-TVC: As it is an integration of visual and aural stimulation, can be a greater source with attention grabbing and effective transmission of messages than other source of media. US Bangla Airlines places their TV ads on television so that it can reach to their customers at maximum volume.Print Media ADs: It is one of the most basic form of media advertising. US Bangla Airlines uses this source of media to create strong imagery for clear information communication and message delivery. Through this form of media, customers may find out all the visible information those were missed in video or audio. Magazines ADs: The ads on magazines of US Bangla Airlines are commonly found in different segments. It helps them more to reach their targeted people than other form of media advertisements. The print quality and flexible placements remain the advertisement longer in customer’s mind. Social Media Marketing: Nowadays people are tending to be more affected by social media than mass media. They spend a major portion of time in social media from their daily life. US Bangla Airlines places their advertisements, offers, promotions in Facebook for maximizing their customer reach. Youtube is another form of social media which is the largest source of video-sharing web based platform. US Bangla Airlines also uploads their TVCs on Youtube so that their customers can watch how many times they want and also whenever they want.

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Us-Bangla Airlines And Positioning Of Us Bangla Airlines. (July 13, 2021). Retrieved from