Book Talk
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There are no ghosts, ghouls, or goblins here. These four books explore the problems their characters face. They are not haunted by ghosts, but by the actions of their past. They are not afraid of clowns and monsters, but of themselves. So lets jump in and see what demons the characters of these books have to face.

Alright, lets say its freshman year. You have all new notebooks and a new sweater that you hate. You get off the bus and walk through the doors to see everyone there is giving you dirty looks. You know that everyone hates you. You know exactly why, but you cant tell anyone your reason for doing what you did.

Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson
Melinda Sordino called the cops on a party over the summer and now shes now an outcast. Her friends wont even speak to her and even strangers hate her. She goes through freshman year alone and scared with no one to talk to. Like a drone, she wonders through the halls searching for her classes. She finds solitude in an old janitors closet. She hides here. She discovers the only class that she really enjoys; art. Her only assignment is to perfect drawing a tree. The better her drawings get, the better she gets. Throughout her story she mentions a reoccurring nightmare she has and a character whom she calls “IT.” She is unable to speak about the horrors of that night at the party. Will she find her voice? Will she ever be able to speak about what happened?

Could you imagine writing all your innermost feelings and secrets out for the whole world to see? Telling every single detail of your day to complete strangers? Thats exactly what Katie Kampenfelt does in Undiscovered Gyrl.

Undiscovered Gyrl By Allison Burnett
Undiscovered Gyrl is a collection of blog postings from a girl named Katie. Katie writes extremely detailed posts of all the things happening in her life. She tells stories of love, lust, friends, boyfriends, fighting, and making up.

She is taking a year off before she starts college to find out who she really is and what she wants to do with her life. She tells of her love life with her boyfriend Rory and her affairs with a few others guys. She tells of the fights she has with her best friend Jade. The writes about her jobs and strange bosses. Shes a little racy at times but she draws you in and doesnt let you go. Then surprise end of the book will leave you wondering and begging for more.

The house across the street seems like the home of a perfect family. Until one day, an ambulance rushes the youngest daughter away. Later, you learn that she tried to commit suicide. This fact only draws you closer to the sisters. You need to know all there is to know about them.

The Virgin Suicides By Jeffrey Eugenides
The Virgin Suicides is the story of five sisters and the boys from their

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Katie Kampenfelt And Undiscovered Gyrl. (July 14, 2021). Retrieved from