Revision for Event Management
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Chapter 1Event studies are the academic field devoted to creating knowledge and theory about planned events.Event Studies draws from a large number of foundation disciplines and closely related professional fields and should foster interdisciplinary theory focused on planned events.Event is an occurrence at a given place and time/ A special set of circumstances/ A noteworthy occurrenceCore Phenomenon is the nature and meanings of planned event experiences.-The essence of the planned event is that of an experience that has been designed and would not otherwise occur.-Intent to create and shape the individual and collective experience of the audience or participants.FORCE TRENDS ISSUESForceTrendsIssuesPopulation-Urbanization/ Urban stressRising demands for events of all kindsCan event relive urban stresses? Bring diversity group together?Economics-GlobalizationEvent tourism on the riseExclusion of the disadvantaged and dispossessedPolitics and Law-War and terrorIncreasing regulation and professionalism in the events sectorsDanger of event being exploited for reasons of propaganda and ideology Environment-Climate changeThreat to leisure and travelNeeds for event that are sustainable which referring to environmental changeSociety and culture-ValuesExperience drive leisure and travelProving that events solve problems and make things betterTechnology-Social mediaSocial media affecting event design and demandsVirtual vs live event experienceChapter 2Event is an occurrence at a given place and time/ A special set of circumstances/ A noteworthy occurrence.-They are temporal phenomena and with planned events the event program or schedule is generally planned in detail and well publicized in advance.Planned Events are live, social events created to achieve specific outcomes, including those related to business, the economy, culture, society and environment.-event planning involves the design and implementation of themes, settings, consumables, services and programs that suggest, facilitate or constrain experience for participants, guest, spectator and other stakeholders.Chapter 6Defining ExperienceConative dimension of experience- Actual behavior, the things people do including physical activity. To be more precise, in conative psychology this is the component of attitude that involves actual behavior.
Cognitive dimension of experience – Refers to awareness, perception, memory, learning, judgement, and understanding or making sense of the experience. This is likely to be dominant in meeting, conference, scientific forums and some business and trade event where education or sharing ideas and knowledge are the main goals.Affective dimension of experience – Concerns about feeling, emotions, preferences and values. Describing experience as fun or giving pleasure reflect emotions, while many social aspects of experience reflect values including being with friends and family, a sense of sharing and belonging to a wider community. The experience economy- Corporate sector embracing of concept of âexperiencesâ for purpose of marketing and branding. -Rise in demand for experience over services and products-power to emotionally connect with customers-Rise in experience economy and creative industries.Four realms of experienceHorizontal dimension -Passive participation in the Pine and Gilmore model equates with entertainment or esthetic experiences.[pic 1]-Active participation equates with education and escapism.Vertical dimension -People are absorbed in the experience when the performance occupies our attention and is brought into our minds.-Immersion is when the person is physically or virtually into the experience.Describing Model of the Planned Event ExperienceChapter 7Program Quality refers to the clientâs, customer, or an expertâs evaluation of the quality of an event or of event program elements. Such as the entertainers; the art; the learning opportunities.Service quality refers to the delivery process, including staff and volunteer actions, the setting and atmosphere, and the management systems that support service.Methods of Quality Evaluation-Customer complaints and surveys-staff and volunteer evaluation of their own performance and the event overall-Expert audits-Expert judgment-Managerâs assessment of variations from specification.Service Blue printing and mapping Service blueprint is a schematic of the complete service encounter from the perspective of the service provider as it impacts on the customer.It is used to make formulate specifications for staff, other input such as delivery process, and the service environment.Liberating versus Constraining Why? Event planning and management can often be described as constraining, that is we use combinations of setting , program design and management systems to prevent certain action or to remove possibility of distractions and confounding environmental force such as noise.How? Event designer and planners must ask themselves if their event have become standardized, contrived, boring or sanitized to the point where innovation and new artistic expression has moved elsewhere.