Aol Share Price
Calaveras VineyardAOL
Submitted By : Rahul Kapoor
Roll number : WMP10081
Questions :
1 . Would you like to buy the shares of AOL? The company issued shares even if the price per share came down from $72 to $58.37.
No .
Company have capitalized its expenses to longer duration .
In highly dynamic world of online services , the product life is getting shorter n shorter , and increase in competition will ultimately leads to fall in cost and hence profit .

Where as the acquisitions cost and customer acquiring cost have not changed .
Although the company have expected that customer will stay for 41 months , but its just an prediction .
Selling the share 19 % lower than its initial value simply shows that company is in desperate need of cash and in a way borrowing it at 18% loss in form of equity .

With no major differentiation services in pipeline and existing customers moving to competitor shows that down ward trend will soon be followed , as there will be no dividend or profit .

Hence high capitalization , high merger cost , increase in competition and feasibility of customer to move to other competitor with any cost and pressure of price reduction , will ultimately leads to fall in revenue .

Hence the share price will further fall , nor it is an good investment in short term due to high capitalization cost , nor in long term due to entrance of players in market .

2 . Current price per share is $81.63 (November 8, 1995). What is the correct price per share in your opinion?

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Shares Of Aol And Dynamic World Of Online Services. (July 21, 2021). Retrieved from