Acceleration Lab Report – Lab Report – phsib2016
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Acceleration Lab Report
Xuan HoNovember 9, 2015Force on an Incline/Newton’s Third Law LabIntroductionAcceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity of an object. When combined with a ramp, patterns can be concluded. The angle of an incline is a very influential factor when determining acceleration. For example, if the incline was of a small angle, an object being rolled down will be slower and could be easily timed. However, if the incline is increased the acceleration will increase as well. The acceleration is directly proportional to the sine of the incline’s angle. Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician. He is one of the most notable scientists in history. His biggest contribution to the field of physics was his three laws of motion. The focus of this lab will be the third law of motion. This law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This can be interpreted as that for every interaction between objects, there is a pair of forces acting on it. The forces are equal and work to balance each other out. The third law of motion from Isaac Newton and the observations from Galileo about inclined planes and acceleration will be examined in this lab. A relationship between incline and acceleration g values are being tested and extrapolated. MaterialsTI-84 graphing calculatorEasy Data Application on calculatorsVernier Logger Pro software and compatible computerVernier Motion DetectorForce Detector5 Holt Physics Textbooksrampdynamics cartmeter stickMethods(Part A) Connect motion detector to graphing calculator and set of EasyData application.Place one book under one end of a 3 meter long track so that there is a small angle formed with the ground. Move the point that makes contact with the book so that the distance from the start to the end (x) is 2 meters. Place motion detector at the top of the track, facing towards the bottom.  Place it so the cart will never be closer than 0.4 meters to the detector.Hold cart at just over 0.4 meters from the detector. Release the cart immediately after pressing “start” to collect data. Keep hands and anything that is not the cart out of the detector’s path.View the velocity graph on EasyData. Step 5 may have to be repeated in order to a get a fairly constant slope for the velocity versus time graph. Fit a straight line to the velocity of the cart to find acceleration graph. It is possible to do this using logger pro.Calculate the force of the cart using the equation:F=m * 9.81sinθ(Part B) Repeat steps 1-8 with an added block of weight on the cartRepeat step 9 but with two extra blocks of weight or twice the weight of the block in step 9.(Part C)  Connect force detector to computer using the interface cable, connect to logger pro, pull on detector to test how it measures. It may be necessary to adjust setting depending on the forces applied.Measure the amount of force it takes to keep the cart in place on the center of the ramp with one book underneath one end.Repeat with 2-5 books. Repeat steps 11-13 with 1 and 2 weights on the cart.At 5 books, pull the cart up the ramp at a constant rate. Record the graph of force versus time. Create a table showing for readings and calculations from parts A and B.Raw Datatable 1.1 .5103 kg cart with no weightsNumber of booksHeight of books (m)Length of incline (m)Sin(θ)Acceleration (m/s^2)1.0621.719.25702.1022.866.53023.1323.727.80844.17525.0201.11015.2126.0271.3070Number of BooksF=maF=m*9.81sin(θ)1.13115N.15016N2.27056N.2503N3.41253N.32541N4.56648N.43805N5.66696N.52502NTable 1.2 .5103 kg Cart with .5 kg weightNumber of booksHeight of books(m)Length of incline(m)Sin(θ)Acceleration (m/s^2)1.06521.862.4732.1022.866.6873.1524.301.8324.1825.1641.07755.2226.3151.216

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(2016, 02). Acceleration Lab Report. Retrieved 02, 2016, from
“Acceleration Lab Report” 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 < "Acceleration Lab Report.", 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. < "Acceleration Lab Report." 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016. Essay Preview By: phsib2016 Submitted: February 4, 2016 Essay Length: 1,144 Words / 5 Pages Paper type: Lab Report Views: 1,245 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Lab Report: Qualitative Analysis Lab Report: Qualitative Analysis Aim: The aim of this experiment is to identitfy an unknown powder by conducting several experiments to determine the anion and 259 Words  |  2 Pages Crazy Lab Report Table of Contents Page Number 1.0 Theory………………………………………………………………………………..1 1.1 The Distortion Analyzer, THD, and SINAD…………………………….2 1.2 AM Receiver Design…...…………………………………………………...2 2.0 Lab Objectives………………………………………………………………………2 3.0 Procedure……………………………………………………………………………3 3.1 Distortion 2,317 Words  |  10 Pages Animal Development and Heritable Traits Lab Report Animal Development and Heritable Traits Lab Report Introduction Drosophila, or the fruit fly, is an ideal organism for many laboratory studies. It can easily be 2,072 Words  |  9 Pages Physics Lab Report Physics Lab Report Statement of the Problem: The problem that was arisen in Problem #5: Motion up an Incline was in reference to a change 684 Words  |  3 Pages Similar Topics Lab Report Write Formal Lab Write Report Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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