Adhd – Coursework – alexander2016
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Hello Class,Over the years one has come to use quick fixes for just about everything and it has caused problems. This is what one would call the miracle pill and this pill is hypothetical to aid in getting rid of different problems. This can include weight loss, behavior problems, ones grades, and to increase the memory of some people. Nevertheless, anywhere there is a need or desire there are people that will and people that has done it at any cost. When it comes to is deviant behavior our world has begun to look to knowledge to attempt and assist with this issue. In the past one has overlooked the behavior disorders and found a way to just deal with this type of behavior, but know, one looks to medicating people not looking at what can come of the medications. There are side effects that a fatal and can cause some lifelong issues (Aase & Sagvolden, 2006).
For example, ADD and ADHD medications can cause serve side effects and when one is prescribed this drugs one is only looking for that fix for that problem. Nevertheless, not looking at what can become of the side effects. Over the past decade there has been a vast number of people begin diagnosed with ADD Attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder ADHD (“ADD / ADHD Medications”, 2012). One has to understand that the drugs that are prescribed are not and will not cure one from this disease, it only aids in relief of the symptoms. Moreover, it can cause one to act out in a bizarre way such as, mood swings and irritability. It can also cause an upset stomach and difficult sleeping. (“ADD / ADHD Medications”, 2012). My question is it worth giving one a quick fix so that one can have other issues to deal with on a physical level just so that one can come up to a social level?
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(2016, 11). Adhd. Retrieved 11, 2016, from
“Adhd” 11 2016. 2016. 11 2016 <
"Adhd.", 11 2016. Web. 11 2016. <
"Adhd." 11, 2016. Accessed 11, 2016.
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By: alexander2016
Submitted: November 13, 2016
Essay Length: 364 Words / 2 Pages
Paper type: Coursework Views: 382
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