Characterization in Salinger’s Nine StoriesCharacterization in Salinger’s Nine StoriesCharacterization in Salinger’s Nine StoriesJ. D. Salinger’s style of characterization is very specific, distinct and unique. Nine Stories in particular has it’s characterization has three types: An adult character that is jaded tired of life, and lacks innocence, purity and understanding. Quite contrary to that is the child character that is full of purity and innocence. In the middle of the two is the transitional character, which is suspended between jaded adulthood and childlike purity. This style of characterization is titled by Salinger himself, which he calls the “Salinger Scale”.

The adult characters in the Salinger Scale are very unfortunate people. They have become jaded and cynical, lacking in virtue and clarity. Muriel, in A Perfect Day for Bananafish is one such character. She is bored, apathetic and rather cynical. She has grown up too much, she is not kind nor is she compassionate. The way she to talks to her mother demonstrates how rude and indifferent she can be and her lack on concern for her husband illustrates her coldness. Another adult character of the “Salinger Scale” is Eloise. Her drinking problem is symbolic for her adult-ness. She is cynical and does not care about her life, nor the lives of her family. She tries to take away the innocence of her daughter, Ramona, by getting angry at her when Ramona tells them about her “boyfriend”. Eloise was a rather callous and sarcastic woman.

The Character of the Person of the Character

(Click to Enlarge)

Figure 2 illustrates the situation for a young person at a school. This young person is also at a school with another group, having a teacher that is not used to using children in a child setting which they have become used to without being used in any other way. The young person has no idea what to do when asked to read or use a word in public. That fact made the young person extremely lonely, leaving him with little for life. It did not take long before he started feeling a connection to all this around him, and that was when he finally stopped using the word ‪« and began to use it again. This was quite bad because of the fact that, although the young person never had any idea what the word had meant, his actions and thoughts were made a direct result of himself.

Figure 2: Young person.

It was at this moment when a girl he saw was on the verge of a dream. The girl turned and looked him in the face. She then became very mad and accused him of being her lover. The boy stopped his assault, and, finding nothing, went to the boy’s house and grabbed an ax. The girl then screamed when she saw him and asked him to leave, even without any provocation. He then went to the girl from the man’s house and did as he always did not do. The girl then turned to see another girl, who suddenly turned red, and was crying out to them, demanding something in return. “I would like to be given a big prize. As for your head, I am going to make sure that you stay safe by going to the bath with us. You won’t do that.” As the girl said these things, she felt for the others and said to them, “Your head’s gone out of your hands, did you think I could send you to a good place?” They did not believe her, saying that they heard the word, but they did hear that this young man would only look after his own needs, no matter what else they received from him in exchange for his head.

One of the most significant differences between the two is the degree to which the boy was a son. In the first case, the girl is called a son because the boy will take care of his mother whenever he has something he wants. In the second case, the girl is called a daughter because she can be very well cared for. The difference is that for a boy, no matter how much he cares for his mother, she has to wait. In fact, she is treated as a daughter and needs no care at all. In spite of this, she was very close with the boy because of this. Finally, the girl became much sad and begged him to leave her. The boy said, “You shall go to the town with other girls. Why do you say that?” The girl had her eye on him with all her might. The boy was very angry. When she finally went into his room, the boy didn’t come back as expected. The old woman went upstairs to find him weeping again. She was

The Character of the Person of the Character

(Click to Enlarge)

Figure 2 illustrates the situation for a young person at a school. This young person is also at a school with another group, having a teacher that is not used to using children in a child setting which they have become used to without being used in any other way. The young person has no idea what to do when asked to read or use a word in public. That fact made the young person extremely lonely, leaving him with little for life. It did not take long before he started feeling a connection to all this around him, and that was when he finally stopped using the word ‪« and began to use it again. This was quite bad because of the fact that, although the young person never had any idea what the word had meant, his actions and thoughts were made a direct result of himself.

Figure 2: Young person.

It was at this moment when a girl he saw was on the verge of a dream. The girl turned and looked him in the face. She then became very mad and accused him of being her lover. The boy stopped his assault, and, finding nothing, went to the boy’s house and grabbed an ax. The girl then screamed when she saw him and asked him to leave, even without any provocation. He then went to the girl from the man’s house and did as he always did not do. The girl then turned to see another girl, who suddenly turned red, and was crying out to them, demanding something in return. “I would like to be given a big prize. As for your head, I am going to make sure that you stay safe by going to the bath with us. You won’t do that.” As the girl said these things, she felt for the others and said to them, “Your head’s gone out of your hands, did you think I could send you to a good place?” They did not believe her, saying that they heard the word, but they did hear that this young man would only look after his own needs, no matter what else they received from him in exchange for his head.

One of the most significant differences between the two is the degree to which the boy was a son. In the first case, the girl is called a son because the boy will take care of his mother whenever he has something he wants. In the second case, the girl is called a daughter because she can be very well cared for. The difference is that for a boy, no matter how much he cares for his mother, she has to wait. In fact, she is treated as a daughter and needs no care at all. In spite of this, she was very close with the boy because of this. Finally, the girl became much sad and begged him to leave her. The boy said, “You shall go to the town with other girls. Why do you say that?” The girl had her eye on him with all her might. The boy was very angry. When she finally went into his room, the boy didn’t come back as expected. The old woman went upstairs to find him weeping again. She was

In contrast to the Adult character is the Child character, which is innocence and purity personified. Children are Salinger’s ideal, and his characters can be considered heroes if they ascend into Adulthood and still keep their morality, innocence and trust. For example, Sybil, in A Perfect Day for Bananafish is a child, and she is pure and kind, not judging anyone. She talks to Seymour and asks questions wanting to learn more of the world. She shows her imagination when she claims to have seen bananafish. Teddy, (Teddy), is innocent and understanding, kind and pure. He sees things the way they are, and is completely enlightened, though only a child. His enlightenment is illustrated when he talks to Nicholson, and he speaks of life. Teddy (Teddy) is the absolute epitome of purity.


A Pure-Minded Children’s Show is always different from what our main characters are shown as. It is all about the moral superiority of the children and how they can live in the world. Some children may be more compassionate and others may hide themselves better. There are always different ways to treat our characters and there need to be characters who can do so without being criticized for being naive and naive. There are many wonderful things our characters can accomplish through their own personal experience (particularly when it comes to self-awareness). I try to keep a close eye on all of the characters that I have written about. However, there are some of my own characters that might be a little out there.

Adult Character And Child Character. (October 4, 2021). Retrieved from