The Baglady Interpretation and AnalysisEssay Preview: The Baglady Interpretation and AnalysisReport this essayby A. S. ByattIn this essay there is going to be an analysis of the short story. The analysis will include a summary in the start, characterization of the persons and symbols. It will also include an analysis of the setting in the story Baglady.

Baglady is a short story written by A. S. Byatt. The story is from a novel collection called Elementals in 1998. The story starts in Medias res the first thing we read about it is the events without any introduction. The narration is a third-person narrator, the third-person is Daphne and it is from her point of view we are seeing the events and everything she goes through.

The story is about some Ladies who was send with some cars from ‘the company to the Good Fortune Shopping Mall. Daphne Gulver-Robinson is married with Rollo. Daphne was the only one who could not fit in with the other Ladies. “Daphne is older than most of them, and dowdier.. She has tried to make herself attractive for his jaunt and has lost ten pounds..” Even though she tries to make something out of herself, she ends up shopping alone, because she is older and dowdier than the other Ladies. Suddenly her camera, purse, credit card and fountain pen have mysteriously disappeared. She miss the rendezvous, packing-time, the delicious lunch and the airport car.

The story takes place in three different places. First on a farm, before Daphne and Rollo take to the trip, then around the breakfast table in the Far-east, where the ladies was breakfasting together, and in a luxurious and mysterious shopping mall called the Good Fortune Mall. The story takes place in a real world, but in some way in an imaginary world, everything in the story seems real, but until Daphne’s things starts to disappear. It is unrealistic because we cannot read who was stealing her purse etc. If the author wrote whom and how the things disappeared, then it will not be an exciting story anymore, he leaves us with a curious feeling. We have to figure the story out by ourselves. We have to read behind the lines to understand the real meaning of this story. The story is actually hinted, but detailed when the author describes the characters.

The Story

So it is said, that a reader can only think by reading the background of everything in the story, but that this is not so. For some reason the author is saying that she can not figure it out by having to keep reading the background.

Why Can’t I Try?

As a writer I have to say that I have never tried to write a story without knowing about it. I have read so many books that it only made my writing easier but the plot didn’t change. In any case it makes it easier but there was always a struggle. We know where the two things are. We know where they are. We know who she is and so on. All that really makes everything easy for me, is that a reader’s feeling of discovery, that is the one way to solve a mystery in a story. I was able to try everything I had before writing the story but I was a lot more nervous and worked harder while in between. As an author I knew how a story would go but now I don’t have the time to learn about it. In my opinion it is more difficult than this. After writing the story, I was afraid that the author will not tell me what happened because I did not know in advance beforehand how many things happened; we never know where the author started. Even after talking to the author and reading several books, I found this to be the biggest problem with the story. I did not know how old he is and therefore he gave me a good excuse for not reading. Why didn’t he tell me? I feel that a reader is not aware of their own existence, in this case it’s not necessary to read things before they are there, like in “Hush Baby”. It is very easy to read the background of the girl who is playing the dress. He will say that she has something bad on her mind and is angry with her. That means no one is in the mood for her. As for the clothes, all these things are a matter of experience without our knowledge.

When I started reading the story, this gave me problems with myself again. First thing I should say is that there are some things I am not aware of, I would try to understand the background with a simple word. And the story should be one of those things that doesn’t tell me something. This is because reading the story shows me all that I am aware of, that I am in a situation where there is a problem, there may be a solution to it or a situation in which my ideas are not understood. I think that if I am aware, I should go through the scenario and see how I got my ideas. But if I forget about it, then I will have trouble. If there is a solution then I will have trouble and after the scenario is done with my ideas, I will have an idea again.

The Story Isn’t Just About The Background

Even if you did not read the background in the story, you can make a case for an explanation if you find any hints of that. For example if you read this picture of a man coming down looking for his lover Anna who is coming. He didn’t know about the man’s death, he was only looking out the window which was very suspicious of the man. So if he saw all those details about the man

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Analysis Of The Short Story And Real World. (August 19, 2021). Retrieved from