Astronomy Class Pros and Cons – Essay – candylay
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Astronomy Class Pros and Cons
I had very little knowledge of astronomy before this class, but now I feel I know a lot and will major in the subject in college. There was a fair amount of math in the homework assignments, but this just made me understand the material even more thoroughly. I took an online class which consider more works to do but it’s convince for me because of my work schedule. It is not very interesting at all for me, but i have to study and do the works as much as i can. I felt very intense and sometimes i tough a bout dropping off. At the mean time i would have to take this class anyway to pursue my Degree. I tried as much as i can even thought i didn’t understand it at all. I always found difficulty in doing lab. That’s required a lot time and i were totally lost. But I like watching the videos a lot. Very interesting and even more and more amazed the wonderful creations of God. I know theres something more what our humans still can’t find out.
In spite of its title, this class seems like more than just an introduction. The material starts with the local solar system, and makes its way out in space to the furthest reaches of the known universe, and in time back to the first fraction of a second after the big bang. I gave up on doing
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(2016, 05). Astronomy Class Pros and Cons. Retrieved 05, 2016, from
“Astronomy Class Pros and Cons” 05 2016. 2016. 05 2016 <
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"Astronomy Class Pros and Cons." 05, 2016. Accessed 05, 2016.
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By: candylay
Submitted: May 2, 2016
Essay Length: 402 Words / 2 Pages
Paper type: Essay Views: 408
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