Automatic Cricket Highlight Generator
Automatic Cricket Highlight Generator
Automatic Cricket HighlightGenerator[pic 1] AuthorsSamra RiazAimen RiazFaizah RehmaniProject Supervisor Dr.Muhammad MajidDEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERINGUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TAXILAJune, 2013 Automatic Cricket Highlight Generator [pic 2]Submitted BySamra Riaz 09-CP-05Aimen riaz 09-CP-44Faizah Rehmani 09-CP-54Project SupervisorDr.Muhammad MajidDEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERINGUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TAXILAJune, 2013ABSTRACTVideo summarization is process to represent the content of video in compact manner. We propose a novel summarization of cricket in which we first temporally segment the video on the basis of audio features like noise and silence using audio processing technique. Then each temporal segment will be classified into interesting and non-interesting segment based on scoreboard extraction motion estimation techniques. UNDERTAKINGWe hereby declare that this Project Report titled ‘Automatic Cricket Highlight Generator Using Microsoft Kinect submitted by us to the Department of Computer Engineering UET Taxila, is a confide work undertaken by us and it is not submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged/ referred.Signature of StudentSamra Riaz (09-CP-05)
Aimen Riaz (09-CP-44)Faizah Rehmani(09-CP-54) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst of all Thanks to ALLAH ALMIGHTY who has guided us through every step of the way and it is only because of His blessings that we gathered enough audacity and will to accomplish this project.We express our deepest gratitude to our Project supervisor, Dr.Muhammad Majid for his invaluable guidance blessings and his unwavering support during the entire course of this project work. Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks and gratitude to all the persons who have directly or indirectly availed us in guiding our project.TABLE OF CONTENTSAbstract iUndertaking iiAcknowledgements iiiTable of Contents ivList of Figures. viList of Tables. viiAbbreviations viiiChapter I: Introduction. 1.1 Statement of the problem 1.2 Objective 1.3 Motivation of the Project 1.4 Organization of the Project 1.5 Deliverable. Chapter II: Literature Review…………………………………… 2.1 Video Summarization 2.1.1 History 2.1.2 Video Summarization types 2.2 Applications 2.3 Cricket Highlight Techniques 2.3.1 Pitch segmentation by K-means 2.3.2 Zoom-in Detection 2.3.3 Differencing & Thresholding method 2.3.4 Velocity Hough Transform 2.3.5 RANSAC algorithm 2.4 Microsoft Kinect 2.4.1 History… 2.4.2 Kinect for windows 2.4.3 Components 2.4.4 Specifications 2.4.5 Requirements 2.4.6 Kinect SDK