Research on Fuel Buying Behavior INITIAL RESEARCH PROPOSALTable of Contents1. Research Topic 2. Statement of the Problem 3. Background Literature 4. Limitations of Study 5. Variables: 6. Hypotheses 7. Research Methodology 7.1. Research Design: 7.2. Procedure: 7.3. Population: 7.4. Sample and Sampling Method: 7.5. Measurement: 8. Plan of Analysis: 9. Expected Outcomes Research TopicBusiness Research of Consumer Behavior analysis for Fuel in Pakistan.Statement of the ProblemI want to see whether people are willing to convert to other fuel such as Petrol, Diesel and.
Essay On Automotive And Vehicles
Micro and Macro Enviroment Explanation Macro environment Definition : the major external and uncontrollable factor that influence an organizations decision making, and effect its performance and strategies. These factor include the economic factor, demographic, legal, political, and social conditions technological change and natural forces. Economics The economics environment studies the factor that effect the consumer.
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