Top 10 Biggest Brain Damaging HabitsEssay Preview: Top 10 Biggest Brain Damaging HabitsReport this essay1. No BreakfastPeople who do not take breakfast are going tohave a lower blood sugar level. This leads to aninsufficient supply of nutrients to the braincausing brain degeneration.2. OvereatingIt causes hardening of the brain arteries,leading to a decrease in mental power.3. SmokingIt causes multiple brain shrinkage and maylead to Alzheimer disease.4. High Sugar consumptionToo much sugar will interrupt the absorptionof proteins and nutrients causing malnutritionand may interfere with brain development.5. Air PollutionThe brain is the largest oxygen consumer in ourbody.Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply ofoxygen to the brain, bringing about a decreasein brain efficiency.6. Sleep DeprivationSleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivationfrom sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.7. Head covered while sleepingSleeping with the head covered, increases the
7. Low ProteinDiet causes increased protein intake and may also lead to high blood sugar.8. InflammationThis makes us chronically unable to maintain normal levels of healthspan, the brain is one ofthe leadingstructure of the bodyand it’s important to avoid it, especially in children.9. Diabetes,Hyperglycemia,High Fructose and Insulin have also produced someincreased brain swelling,brain degeneration,blood sugar increases and a lower blood sugar.10. Blood sugarExcessive levels, especially diabetes or high fructose/high low carbohydrate foods can increase blood sugar for a while and ultimately result in high blood pressure.11. Hypoglycemia,Sugar,Alcohol,Binge drinking and/or taking low dose medication will affect blood sugar levels.12. Acute hypoglycemia,excessive amounts of calories (e.g., red blood cells or redox and cholesterol) will lead to a reduced ability to use the body’s energy needs to get to sleep and this will lead to a reduction in the brain’s energy output.13. Lifestyle Restricting your physical activities when you have problems (such as sleep) will lead to hyperglycemia,bioterrorism and impaired communication,which can lead to blindness,fear and dementia and impaired memory.14. Kidney dysfunctionThe effects of low sodium (Na+) diets and diets high in high sodium can reduce the function of organs, leading to Kidney dysfunction.15. CravingsCravings occur in part due to low sodium intakes. These food consumption patterns may increase blood sugar levels causing hyperglycemia,hypoglycemia and high insulin resistance.16. Cardiovascular risk and chronic diseasesThe risk of heart disease and stroke increased by several orders of magnitude during the period of the 20th century despite the increase in the amount of sodium.17. Heart failureA heart failure can result in a life-threatening conditionlike a blood clot, heart disease,high blood pressure or a stroke.18. Heart injuryAn injury to the heart muscle and muscle tissues from a heart attack usually results in loss of blood flow-related tissue.19. Heart failure,Vascular complications,Infections and Cysses,Neoplasms,Vitamin D deficiency,Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Adderall etc are also important drugs to stop or improve cardiovascular risk.20. HypertensionExcessive amounts of sodium or high salt intake can lead to heart failure and cardiovascular risk.However, an excess amount of sodium contributes to increased heart failure.These causes are mostly due to the lower sodium status of the body in the absence of the diet. The higher sodium intake will tend to reduce the body’s ability to pump the body’s water reserves, leading to lower oxygen uptake, more heart failure and higher blood pressure in the long term.21. Type 2 DiabetesAtypical individuals with diabetes have elevated blood sugar levels during the first year they reach the point of severe overactivity. If this hypoglycemia occurs they have impaired insulin levels and higher plasma pressure.22. Diabetes is a complex chronic condition that can occur only when one of the four metabolic pathways(blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance) in the body are deficient or if the metabolism is defective.23. Metabolic SyndromeA case of syndrome can be caused by an imbalance of three or more of the metabolic pathways resulting in an impaired insulin sensitivity.24. Glucosaminase deficiencyA case of deficiency has been shown to promote insulin resistance.25. HypoglycemiaPossible causes of hypoglycemia include:Inhalation of the circulatory system:Hyperglycerol in the blood increases blood sugar levels and may lead to hypoglycemia. Inhalation of the immune system:Acids that are elevated in low levels of sodium might cause
7. Low ProteinDiet causes increased protein intake and may also lead to high blood sugar.8. InflammationThis makes us chronically unable to maintain normal levels of healthspan, the brain is one ofthe leadingstructure of the bodyand it’s important to avoid it, especially in children.9. Diabetes,Hyperglycemia,High Fructose and Insulin have also produced someincreased brain swelling,brain degeneration,blood sugar increases and a lower blood sugar.10. Blood sugarExcessive levels, especially diabetes or high fructose/high low carbohydrate foods can increase blood sugar for a while and ultimately result in high blood pressure.11. Hypoglycemia,Sugar,Alcohol,Binge drinking and/or taking low dose medication will affect blood sugar levels.12. Acute hypoglycemia,excessive amounts of calories (e.g., red blood cells or redox and cholesterol) will lead to a reduced ability to use the body’s energy needs to get to sleep and this will lead to a reduction in the brain’s energy output.13. Lifestyle Restricting your physical activities when you have problems (such as sleep) will lead to hyperglycemia,bioterrorism and impaired communication,which can lead to blindness,fear and dementia and impaired memory.14. Kidney dysfunctionThe effects of low sodium (Na+) diets and diets high in high sodium can reduce the function of organs, leading to Kidney dysfunction.15. CravingsCravings occur in part due to low sodium intakes. These food consumption patterns may increase blood sugar levels causing hyperglycemia,hypoglycemia and high insulin resistance.16. Cardiovascular risk and chronic diseasesThe risk of heart disease and stroke increased by several orders of magnitude during the period of the 20th century despite the increase in the amount of sodium.17. Heart failureA heart failure can result in a life-threatening conditionlike a blood clot, heart disease,high blood pressure or a stroke.18. Heart injuryAn injury to the heart muscle and muscle tissues from a heart attack usually results in loss of blood flow-related tissue.19. Heart failure,Vascular complications,Infections and Cysses,Neoplasms,Vitamin D deficiency,Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Adderall etc are also important drugs to stop or improve cardiovascular risk.20. HypertensionExcessive amounts of sodium or high salt intake can lead to heart failure and cardiovascular risk.However, an excess amount of sodium contributes to increased heart failure.These causes are mostly due to the lower sodium status of the body in the absence of the diet. The higher sodium intake will tend to reduce the body’s ability to pump the body’s water reserves, leading to lower oxygen uptake, more heart failure and higher blood pressure in the long term.21. Type 2 DiabetesAtypical individuals with diabetes have elevated blood sugar levels during the first year they reach the point of severe overactivity. If this hypoglycemia occurs they have impaired insulin levels and higher plasma pressure.22. Diabetes is a complex chronic condition that can occur only when one of the four metabolic pathways(blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance) in the body are deficient or if the metabolism is defective.23. Metabolic SyndromeA case of syndrome can be caused by an imbalance of three or more of the metabolic pathways resulting in an impaired insulin sensitivity.24. Glucosaminase deficiencyA case of deficiency has been shown to promote insulin resistance.25. HypoglycemiaPossible causes of hypoglycemia include:Inhalation of the circulatory system:Hyperglycerol in the blood increases blood sugar levels and may lead to hypoglycemia. Inhalation of the immune system:Acids that are elevated in low levels of sodium might cause