Embarrassing Moment Personal Essay Example
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My Most Embarrassing Moment Essay
I grew up in the south, so snow and ice were two things that I rarely saw as a child. To see snow was exciting for me because I could actually count on one hand how many times it snowed when I was a young boy. I can remember the meteorologist on the news saying we were going to have a snow in our area. My friends and I were so excited. It was a strong possibility that school would be closed due to the inclement weather. My friends and I were already planning our day. I woke up very early that morning and the meteorologist was right, everything was covered in beautiful white snow and schools were closed. I was ready to go out and play in the snow with my friends.

Be careful, that black ice is dangerous,” my mother shouted as I ran out of the house in weathered sneakers and a hat dangling from my coat pocket. Black ice, as my mother called it, was an invisible sheet of ice that covered the pavement after a snowfall. I could see my friends at the end of the block, motioning for me to hurry along. The sidewalk was still full of snow that had accumulated from the previous night, but the road looked beautifully plowed. “Invisible ice,” I said to myself, over and over again, as I ran into the street. I dashed down the street because I was ready to have fun in the snow with my friends. I knew my mother had told me something that was probably important as I was walking out of the house, but I did not pay any attention to her because I wanted to enjoy playing in the snow with my friends. I was not use to snow and I thought to myself while I was running, maybe my mother was trying to tell me something about the snow. I continued to run, but I was not getting to my friends fast enough, they were beckoning for me to come. I started to run faster and all of a sudden, I felt my feet slip from underneath me. I realized what my mother was trying to tell, it started to slowly come back to me.

Only it was too late. Like a movie in slow motion, my feet came out from underneath me, while I lost control on the ice. My arms were still moving, as though I had been running a race. Flailing in the air, I used them to try to keep my balance. It didnt work. Suddenly, my knees skid across the pavement, for what felt like a mile-and-a-half. I held my hands directly in front of me thinking I would protect my face from hitting the frozen road.

After what felt like an hour, my body came to a screeching halt. Small particles of ice filled the hole in my sneaker, reminding me that I should have listened to my mother when she told me to wear my boots. Paying no attention to the blood and bruises on my kneecaps, all I could see were my friends in the distance. I could see their lips moving, but couldnt make out what they were saying. What I did see and hear loud and clear was the ridicule, the teasing, and the laughing. My cheeks turned bright red as they

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