3d Holographic Projection Technology
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3D HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION TECHNOLOGYSeminar ReportSubmitted in partial fulfillment of theRequirements for the award ofBachelor of Technology Degree inElectronics and Communication EngineeringOf theUniversity of KeralabyPRANAV.K (11413037)Under the guidance ofMs. CHITHRA B.Asst. ProfessorLMCST[pic 2]DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGLOURDES MATHA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2014LOURDES MATHA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYKuttichal, TrivandrumDEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING[pic 3]CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the Report entitled “3D HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION TECHNOLOGY” is a bonafide record of the Seminar Report done by PRANAV.K (11413037) under our guidance towards the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of B.Tech Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering of the University of Kerala during the year 2014.GuideSeminar CoordinatorHead of the DepartmentMs. Chithra B.Mrs. Rini Jones S.B.Mr. Ram Prasad TripathyAsst. ProfessorAsso. ProfessorAsso. ProfessorDept. of ECELMCSTDept. of ECELMCSTDept. of ECELMCSTI humbly submit all the glory and thanks to the GOD Almighty for showering the blessings upon me and giving me the necessary wisdom for accomplishing this Seminar.I express my deepest gratitude to Prof. James Kattady, the Principal for the support and advice which has helped me in completing the Seminar successfully.I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Ram Prasad Tripathy, the Head of the Department ofElectronics and Communication Engineering.
I enunciate my full hearted thanks to my seminar coordinator Mrs. Rini Jones S.B.,Asso. Professor for the exquisite and valuable guidance throughout the Seminar.I enunciate my full hearted thanks to my seminar guide Ms. Chithra B.,Asst. Professor for the exquisite and valuable guidance throughout the Seminar.I would express my special thanks to all the teaching staff for their valuable suggestions throughout the Seminar.Last but not least I take this opportunity to thank my parents and friends for their intimate help to do my Seminar in a successful manner.PRANAV.KABSTRACTThis seminar examines the new technology of Holographic Projections. It highlights the importance and need of this technology and how it represents the new wave in the future of technology and communications, the different application of the technology, the fields of life it will dramatically affect including business, education, telecommunication and healthcare. The paper also discusses the future of holographic technology and how it will prevail in the coming years highlighting how it will also affect and reshape many other fields of life, technologies and businesses.Holography is a diffraction-based coherent imaging technique in which a complex three-dimensional object can be reproduced from a flat, two-dimensional screen with a complex transparency representing amplitude and phase values. It is commonly agreed that real-time holography is the ne plus ultra art and science of visualizing fast temporally changing 3-D scenes. The integration of the real-time or electro-holographic principle into display technology is one of the most promising but also challenging developments for the future consumer display and TV market. Only holography allows the reconstruction of natural-looking 3-D scenes, and therefore provides observers with a completely comfortable viewing experience. But to date several challenges have prevented the technology from becoming commercialized. But those obstacles are now starting to be overcome. Recently, we have developed a novel approach to real-time display holography by combining an overlapping sub-hologram technique with a tracked viewing-window technology.SL NO. TITLE PAGE NO.1.INTRODUCTION12.3D HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION TECHNOLOGY2.1. HOLOGRAMS22.2. TYPES OF HOLOGRAMS33.NEED OF HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION54.WORKING OF HOLOGRAMS4.1 REFLECTION HOLOGRAMS4.2 TRANSMISSION HOLOGRAMS795.ADVANTAGES OF HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION126.ADVANCES IN HOLOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY137.APPLICATIONS158.FUTURE SCOPE179.CONCLUSION20REFERENCES21FIG. NO. TITLE PAGE NO.