Ghost Letters
Essay Preview: Ghost Letters
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Before I start on my book review, I would like to ask these questions to everyone:
– Do you believe in paranormal activities?
– Do you believe that ghosts and the Jinn exist?
– Do you believe in time travelling?
If you say ‘YES’ to all of the above, then this book that I’m introducing will be just the correct book for you.
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the Principal, teachers and my fellow audience. Today, I would like to introduce to everyone, a book called GHOST LETTERS.

Ghost Letters starts by introducing the main character, a fourteen-year-old boy named Gil. After being expelled from a top boarding school, Gils parents send him to live with his poet grandfather in a small, oceanside town in Massachusetts. While exploring the beach one afternoon, Gil finds a blue bottle bobbing on the ocean waves, and, on a whim, writes a note that reads, “Help! Im stranded on a desert island. Save me!” He puts the note in the bottle, sends it back to the sea, and thinks nothing else of it.

A hundred years earlier, a young calligraphers apprentice in Ajeebgarh, India, finds the bottle floating in the Magor Riverwith Gils message inside! He decides to send back a reply, and the two begin a strange correspondence.

As Gils grandfather teaches him about the history of their home and the ancestor who built it, Gil befriends a girl named Nargis. The two bond over the eerie appearances of a ghostly hand and letters that were never delivered to their original destinations. Meanwhile, war with the British threatens Ajeebgarh, and Sikander, the apprentice, is desperate to find a way to save his friend, who was kidnapped by British soldiers. Through the help of the mysterious hand,

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Book Review And Fourteen-Year-Old Boy. (July 7, 2021). Retrieved from