Walk Across America
Essay Preview: Walk Across America
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Gabi Phillips
October 26, 2006
Professor Seichrist
Walk Across America Report
The book Walk Across America is a book about Peter Jenkins trek across America. He hikes all the way from New York to the Gulf of Mexico. This in itself is an amazing accomplishment. While walking across all of this land Peter sees incredible things from mountains to lakes, from birds to insects and reptiles. On a journey like that you are bound to see things that you have never imagined yourself seeing in a life time. And not only does he walk across America but he brings along a trusted companion: his dog. Through out this entire trip he goes through hardships and turmoil going through extreme weather conditions. But in the end its all worth his trouble.

A lot of the reasons why people do these kinds of things and go on these sorts of journeys are to explore our country. People want to see more, want to know what we really are about and what our country is really made of. There is no greater experience then actually seeing the Appalachian Mountains or seeing the Great Lakes, when you get to see things like this you are more grateful that you have ever been and Peter and his dog Copper saw things like this on their trip. Along with the good that comes along with trekking the country comes the bad, you have people who are going to be skeptical of what you are doing. For example in one state specifically in a town in North Carolina, there was suspicion that he was a drug dealer. Because of these accusations he was run out of the town. But for now the main accomplishment of the trip is what he gets to see and experience.

In the Appalachian Mountains he sets his goal to find a certain hermit crab that they town he is talks about. Its things like this that makes his trip stand out. Being able to see the Appalachian Mountains must be an experience that only a person can get from really being there. The size of the mountains is enormous and you really cant get that without actually being there. While he was there he met a

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