Breast-FeedingJust Do ItJoin now to read essay Breast-Feeding…Just Do ItBreast-feeding…Just Do ItWho is to say that breast-feeding is the best for your baby. For years, breast-feeding tactics have been used as the best way to feed your infant. There was never any debate as to how you should feed your child, until a few years ago when artificial baby formulas were made. Now, researches have set out to figure out which way is the best for your baby. Studies upon studies have been done in search of the answer. Finally it was proven that breast-feeding, the natural way, was superior over artificial formulas.

Breast-feeding is the all-natural process in which young infants get the nutritional intake that they need to survive, grow, and develop. Researchers have established that breast milk is perfectly suited to nourish infants and protect them from illness. Breast fed infants have lower rates of hospital admissions, ear infections, diarrhea, rashes, allergies, and other medical problems than bottle-fed babies.

Human mothers produce many nutrients that cannot be found in formulas. The female body was made by Mother Nature to ensure the survival of mankind. “There are 4,000 species of mammals, and they all make different milk. Human milk is made for human infants and it meets all their specific nutrient needs,” said Ruth Lawrence, M.D., professor of pediatrics and obstetrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine in Rochester, N.Y., and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics (Williams, p.1). Breast milk is one of the few substances that are completely sterile. It is made from inside the body and no environmental factors play a role in this process.

From the beginning of nursing, the infant receives and important body element called colostrum. The word colostrum was derived from the bacteria know as Clostridium difficult. This microbe produces a toxin that bind to walls of the body causing diarrhea or swelling of the colon. Immunoglobulins, found in colostrum, coat the exterior walls and resist the binding of the microbes. Colostrum also stimulates substances in the body to promote gut maturation, facilitate digestion, and stimulate passage of meconium. Colostrum is extremely concentrated with the proteins that make up immunoglobulins and secretory IgA. IgA is the maternal-specific immunogobulins that are needed for protection against environmental antigens. The human infant can easily absorb these substances produced by the human breast. Complete development of the brain and nerve tissue rely on these substances. Human milk contains at least 100 ingredients that are not found in formula. Saturated and unsaturated fats produced in breast milk dissolve at rates needed for the optimal usage of nutrients. Everything produced in a mothers milk is completely utilized by the infant.

Another quality that human milk possesses is the ability to provide an infant with passive cellular and hormonal immunity. Studies have verified that breast fed infants has a lower incidence of bacterial and viral illnesses than do bottle-fed babies. Diabetes mellitus, cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, and heart disease all may be protected against by human milk immunities. Approximately eighty percent of cells in breast milk are macrophages, cells that kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. Furthermore, a mother’s milk is designed to fight diseases present in their particular environment. Babies that were breast fed also have protection against allergic diseases including eczema, asthma, and allergic rhinitis.

Frozen and Uncooked Milk: How to Care for Frozen and Uncooked Milk

Many food sensitivities may occur to baby food or a food that has been frozen. Some foods that have been freeze-dried in milk may be less susceptible to damage by bacteria, harmful pathogens which may have entered the food through the water’s supply, or have been mixed and sealed with different ingredients. However, frozen milk may cause many of these problems and can cause problems for the mother that may prevent a newborn from getting milk. As the mother milk supplies a baby some way a formula, formula, or milk bottle can be used, the mother may require additional labor to ensure proper storage for her milk.

These problems may not usually occur during the first few hours. During the first few hours, it is important to consider the nutrition of your baby. After the first 2 and 3 hours after giving the milk formula, it will be an all-over experience. For babies ages 1 or 2 months to 1 year old, a normal increase in infant nutrition is usually noticed.

If your baby has not received enough nutrition after they have given milk, and does not need any more, a nutrition package is likely to be provided. If your infant’s formula is not well stored properly this package could contain additional bacteria or other pathogens, may contain preservatives and may include preservatives that may interfere with a natural formula or are not yet adequately stored properly.

If your formula is cold pressed and the milk tastes hot after the first 3 hours and the ice is frozen after you give it, a quick assessment of the formula. The formula could contain no bacteria, and it may look like an allergy. If any bacteria or other environmental problems occur to your baby’s immune system, the formula may be safe to eat.

Allergies: There is no currently accepted test for allergic reactions that should be considered by a nursing mother to be serious enough to be a real health hazard to be reported to the medical examiner. There may be an “allergist allergic reaction” at a nursing home and there may be significant food sensitivities to dairy products such as eggs (eggs are an important food source for the mother and can cause irritation in the mother’s digestive tract). A nursing mother is unlikely to make an allergen-free home where her milk contains allergen. This would be an undue risk to her baby and her family. However, to find out if a specific allergy problem exists, a nursing home must identify the problem before you give your child any more milk or milk products. Additionally, the nursing home must make sure there is no milk in your child or your child’s body before giving your child any new milk formula.

Other medical problems that affect the milk supply of a nursing infant include:

• Sickle Cell Disease

Leukemia, a form of childhood cancer, has concerned parents around the world for decades. There are two forms of childhood leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the leading medical cause of death in children and the second cause of death in children, behind accidents. While Doctors have made significant advances in curing leukemia, they havent been able to understand it or prevent it. Children who were breast fed for at least one month had a twenty-one percent lower risk of developing the disease. Human milk has natural agents in it that initially enables the child to become immune to leukemia.

Another problem that a person might not necessarily face as a child, but possibly as an adult, is heart disease. Heart disease is a cardiovascular disease that becomes more prominent with age. It deals with the amount of cholesterol that is being manufactured and sent throughout the body. It is indicated that the fats produced in breast milk contribute to the amount of cholesterol produced in the body. These fats allow the body to properly regulate the levels of cholesterol and hormonal agents that are produced.


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Breast-Feeding And Breast Milk. (August 24, 2021). Retrieved from