Essay Preview: Diabetes
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chapter 5 Blue Section
perianal – Pertaining to surrounding the anus
appendectomy – removal of the appendix.
buccal mucosa – mucus membrane lining the cheek
cecal – pertaining to the cecum
celiac – pertaining to the abdomen
cheilosis – abnormal condition of the lip
cholecystectomy – removal of the gall bladder
choledochotomy – incision of the common bile duct
colostomy – opening of the colon to the outside of the body
colonic – pertaining to the large intesting
colonoscopy – visual examination of the colon
dentibuccal – pertaining to a tooth
duodenal – pertaining to the duodenum
enterocolitis – inflammation of the small intestine
enteroenterostomy – new opening between two previously unconnected parts of the
small intestine
mesentery – middle of the intestines
paraenteral – pertaining to apart from the intestines
esophageal – pertaining to the esophagus
chapter 5 Blue Section
perianal – Pertaining to surrounding the anus
appendectomy – removal of the appendix.
buccal mucosa – mucus membrane lining the cheek
cecal – pertaining to the cecum
celiac – pertaining to the abdomen
cheilosis – abnormal condition of the lip
cholecystectomy – removal of the gall bladder
choledochotomy – incision of the common bile duct
colostomy – opening of the colon to the outside of the body
colonic – pertaining to the large intesting
colonoscopy – visual examination of the colon
dentibuccal – pertaining to a tooth
duodenal – pertaining to the duodenum
enterocolitis – inflammation of the small intestine
enteroenterostomy – new opening between two previously unconnected parts of the
small intestine
mesentery – middle of the intestines
paraenteral – pertaining to apart from the intestines
esophageal – pertaining to the esophagus

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Buccal Mucosa And Opening Of The Colon. (June 13, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/buccal-mucosa-and-opening-of-the-colon-essay/