Planning for Deli Depot – Business Plan – M W
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Planning for Deli Depot
Case #3: Planning for Deli Depot
Mission Statement:
Our mission at Deli Depot is to provide a superior, casual dining experience for customers in Northwest Ohio while maintaining positive relationships with quality local suppliers and making a difference in our hometown community.

Strategic Planning:
Our strategic planning includes two main items. One is a list of objectives, which we intend to accomplish over a period of time. The second thing listed is the competitive differentiation which details specifics that set us apart from our immediate competition.

Our overall objectives for the Deli-Depot venture include the following:
To open five stores in the first year with a total of thirty stores opened by the end of a five year period.
To ensure locations are convenient to customers.
To offer a tasty variety of food choices that is of good value to the customer.
To employ friendly, quality employees and reward them for service and excellence.
To commit in helping our community thrive.
To establish a loyal customer base for long-term profitability.
Competitive Differentiation:
We intend to compete with other deli-style restaurants in the area by making Deli-Depot
uniquely committed to supporting our community. We will demonstrate our differences
as we:
Work within the local community to support our residents by donating excess, unused food items to local food banks and shelters.
Participate in local fundraising efforts to collect and disperse funds in the Northwest Ohio area.
Use local vendors to keep our costs low by purchasing as many food items in the vicinity as possible.
Contract specialty items (such as pies, cakes, and other desserts) to local suppliers such as Amish community members for exceptional quality and low cost.

Widely advertise these differences to establish goodwill and relations within our area, positively setting us apart from the competition.
Tactical Plan:
Our Tactical Plan includes specific ways to accomplish our strategic objectives within the
first few years. To accomplish our goals we’re determined to:
Work with investors, creditors, and real estate specialists to open five locations within the first year. During this phase a detailed budget will be created.

Research real estate locations using an expert real estate agent to ensure our locations are extremely convenient to customers and affordable for us.
Compose a menu that includes a wide variety of choices for the customer that is within the confines of the franchise.
Recruit employees using developed human resource skills and tactics offered by an expert in this field.
Analyze the community for needs where Deli-Depot can be best utilized.
Create a master plan for return customer loyalty, thus ensuring future profitability.
Operational Plan:
The operational plan for Deli-Depot includes details on how we will use our tactical plan
and put each item into action. Each step will strive to accomplish each goal. During this
phase we will:
Obtain pre-approved loans from the bank who works best for us. We will also draw up contracts of investors who are willing to financially put their trust in us. Finally, we will choose

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(2019, 04). Planning for Deli Depot. Retrieved 04, 2019, from
“Planning for Deli Depot” 04 2019. 2019. 04 2019 < "Planning for Deli Depot.", 04 2019. Web. 04 2019. < "Planning for Deli Depot." 04, 2019. Accessed 04, 2019. Essay Preview By: M W Submitted: April 30, 2019 Essay Length: 877 Words / 4 Pages Paper type: Business Plan Views: 110 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Ups Marketing Plan Advanced Marketing Management Marketing plan for United Parcel Service Mission Statement: "End-to-end global supply chain provider." Executive Summary: The company analysis shows that UPS is 2,237 Words  |  9 Pages Climate Action Plans Fail to Deliver Around the country, localities, states and multi-state regions are convening Climate Change Task Forces aimed at developing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As the 1,938 Words  |  8 Pages Analysis of the Three Plans for Reconstruction Analysis of the Three Plans for Reconstruction The American Civil War, lasting from 1861-1865, was the most severe military conflict the country had seen; it 1,087 Words  |  5 Pages Home Depot Global Business Plan Home Depot Global Business Plan When opening a Home Depot in a country in which there has never been a Home Depot before, the corporation 6,658 Words  |  27 Pages Similar Topics Chemistry Planning Designing Lab Marketing Project Plan Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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