Sex Course Learning Objectives
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sexCourse Learning Objectives:
The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the major issues involved in the development and implementation of business and corporate strategy. At the end of this course the student will be able to:

understand the relationship between business and corporate strategy and structure within relevant competitive environments;
understand the evolution of the strategic planning process;
recognize and anticipate managerial responses to specific competitive threats and opportunities; and
develop, to a professional level, the students skills, insights and competencies in the processes of information and data gathering, analysis and interpretation, managerial judgment, industry and environmental forecasting, business writing, and oral presentation.

Student Learning Outcomes:
At the course conclusion, based on active participation in discussion from the text, readings, and case analyses, the student should be able to show competency in the following outcomes:

Developing an understanding of the economic, ethical, global, political, social, legal/regulatory, environmental and technological issues in the business environment

Demonstrating the ability to value and manage global diversity issues facing firms
Communicating effectively, in both written and oral communication
Demonstrating the ability to lead, follow and work effectively with others
The examinations will cover the chapters in the textbook (Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach). The first examination will cover the first six chapters, while the second examination will cover the final seven chapters. The open-book examinations will consist of 50 multiple choice questions and be completed online over a period of one hour and 15 minutes – for each minute beyond the allotted time, one percentage point is deducted. The student will have one week to complete the examination.

Team Case Analysis and Group Presentation
Each student is responsible for participating in one comprehensive case analysis during the course (300 points for the written analysis and 100 points for the Power Point development). The teams will be organized by the instructor and the case analysis and Power Point presentation (including Notes at bottom of slide) will be e-mailed directly to the instructor. The team takes the role of senior executives or management consultants who are responsible for a SWOT analysis and recommendations (including how the recommendations will be implemented) to directors and other senior executives. The case analyses will be in the form of a four-page memorandum written to the instructor (i.e., Chairman of the Board). [When applicable, an additional page (1) with a breakdown of any financial analysis (computations) is acceptable as an addendum.] Furthermore, outside reference material should not be used in the case analysis. Memorandums should be typed, single-spaced using 11-point Times New Roman font with a one-inch border, with appropriate spacing between headings and paragraphs. The case analysis should be a comprehensive analysis of the salient issues of the case. The Power Point presentation should be between 12 and 15 slides. The following sequential areas should be covered in the case analysis (and used as headings for the five areas to be covered):

A brief history of the development of the company or industry (Company or Industry History)
Company or Industry SWOT Analysis (strengths and weaknesses) opportunities and threats) covering internal and external environment
Corporate- and Business-level (when applicable) or Industry Strategy
Company or Industry Structure and Control Systems (and how they match strategy)
Recommendations (including rationale and implementation)
The following is a guide for the case analysis/memorandum heading:
Thomas A. Hemphill
Chairman of the Board
(Your Names)

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Case Analyses And Aim Of This Course. (June 11, 2021). Retrieved from