The Case of Chania Boys High School – Thika Kenya
CHANIA AT RISKCONSIDERING THE TIME STUDENTS WASTE IN CLASSROOM BEFORE SETTLING;THE CASE OF CHANIA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL- THIKA KENYAOWINO .K. ODHIAMBOED/352/10.KARATINA UNIVERSITY;SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES; E-mail address for correspondence and raw data access:[email protected] A research report submitted to the department of humanities and languages in the School of education and social sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of the bachelors of education arts of Karatina University.Year 2013/2014This report is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University…………………. …15/11/2013…………Signature Date This report has been submitted for examination with my approval as University Supervisor……………… …………….Signature Date
CHANIA AT RISKCONSIDERING THE TIME STUDENTS WASTE IN CLASSROOM BEFORE SETTLING;THE CASE OF CHANIA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL- THIKA KENYA1.00 BACKGROUND INFPRMATION;CHANIA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL;The school was started in 1958 by the Asian Community living in Thika and was then known as M.P Shah High School. It started as a mixed day school and later hostels were introduced. It was taken over by the Government after independent the management of the Board of governors. It then started admitting African Students and changed its name to Chania High School with two streams for boys and girls.In 1974, A level classes were started with two science and one art stream. When 8-4-4 system of education was introduced .the school became five streams, three for boys, and two for girls. With such a population, the B.O.G felt the need to separate the boys and the girls to come up with two schools, CHANIA BOYS and GIRLS to enhance discipline and academic performance. This process started in 1997 and steps taken were:-Separation in class rooms but making use of common facilities such as laboratories and dining halls. In 1998-girls were not admitted as day scholars.2001-girs were moved to their own section. A new principal for them appointed and teachers available shared between the two schools. In 2003-separate B.O.G’sfor the two schools were inaugurated and this marked the birth of two separate schools-CHANIA BOYS and CHANIA GILRS.