Speeches for Special Occasions
ORALCOM HANDOUT – Jon TiuSPEECHES FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS(CEREMONIAL SPEECHES)Q: What are those occasions when you need to deliver  ceremonial speeches?A:  Conferences, seminars, conventions, club induction, company inauguration, awards night, wedding, graduation, anniversary, promotion, retirement, birthday and even  death.Important note: – When you are asked to deliver a speech during these special occasions, you have to meet the conventions (rules & standards) of the particular occasion.THE COMMON TYPES OF SPECIAL SPEECHES:IntroductionsPresentationsAcceptancesWelcomingTributes~ I N T R O D U C T I O N S ~A speech of introduction is designed to pave the way for the main speaker.  It psychologically prepares the audience to listen to the speech.A speech of introduction is said in  2 or 3 minutes only.POINTS TO REMEMBER:Know who the speaker is: Consult with the speaker about what he or she prefers that you say about him/her in the introduction: Get the necessary biographical information that will show who the speaker is and why he or she is qualified to talk about the topic.Know what the person is going to talk about.FORMAT OF THE SPEECH OF INTRODUCTION:The first two sentences should establish the nature of the occasion .The body of the speech should establish the speaker’s credibility.The conclusion usually includes the name of the speaker and the title of his/her talk.CONSIDERATIONS:1.  Do not overpraise the speaker – if the expectations are too high, the speaker will never be able to live up to them.2.  Be familiar with what you have to say to achieve sincerity.~ P R E S E N T A T I O N S ~A presentation speech is one that presents an award, a gift or a prize to an individual or a group.Usually, the speech is a fairly short, formal recognition of an accomplishment.POINTS TO REMEMBER: A presentation speech has two goals:to discuss the nature of the award, including its history, donor or source, and the conditions under which it is made;to discuss the recipient’s accomplishments.If a competition was held, describe what the person did in the competition.  For other cases, discuss how the person has met the criteria for the  awardYou must learn about the award, the competition and the criteria.FORMAT OF THE PRESENTATION SPEECH:Start by showing what the award is for.Then give the criteria for winning or achieving the award/recognition.State how the person won or achieved the award.Announce the recipient’s name.CONSIDERATIONS:Avoid overprAising – don’t explain everything in superlatives that the presentation appears insincere and dishonest.In handing the award, the left hand should hold the award (plaque, trophy, certificate) and present it to the left hand of the recipient. Offer a congratudatory handshake using your right hand.~ A C C E P T A N C E S ~An acceptance speech is a response to presentation speech.The purpose of this speech is to give brief thanks for receiving the award.FORMAT OF THE ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: Give a brief thanks to the group, agency or people responsible for giving the award.Express gratitude also to those who share in the honor if the recipient was aided by others.CONSIDERATION:The acceptance speech should be brief, unless it is the lead-in to a major address.~ W E L C O M I N G S ~A welcome speech is one that expresses pleasure for the presence of a person/s or an organization.In a way, this is a double speech of introduction – you introduce the person/s (guest/s) to the organization, and you also introduce the organization to the person/s (guest/s).POINTS TO REMEMBER:Be familiar with both the person/s or organization you are welcoming and the situation to which you are welcoming the person.Be accurate in giving information about the person or organization you are introducing.FORMAT OF THE PRESENTATION SPEECH: Start by expressing pleasure in welcoming the person/s or organization.Then give a little information about the guest and the organization to which he or she is being welcomed.The conclusion is a brief statement of hope for a pleasant and profitable time, visit or stay with the organization.~ T R I B U T E S ~A speech of tribute is one that praises someone’s accomplishments during a birthday, promotion, retirement or death (eulogy).POINTS TO REMEMBER: The key to an effective tribute is SINCERITY. The praise should be apparent, but don’t overdo it.  Be objective too.Have an in-depth biographical information about the subject – focus on the person’s commendable characteristics and accomplishments.Be prepared to make a sound positive appraisal of the subject.~ OTHER CEREMONIAL SPEECHES ~COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS: is a speech presented by a major political, business or social figure, or a prominent alumnus/a, during graduation ceremonies.: the goal is to praise members of the graduating class and to inspire them in their future work.
Essay About Ceremonial Speeches And N S
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Ceremonial Speeches And N S. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/ceremonial-speeches-and-n-s-essay/