Change Management Simulation – Term Paper – hbuyvlmga3
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Change Management Simulation
Change management simulation MBA-614SHUO MIAO OCT.24.2016In this case, I hope the company can be sustainable development, reduce emission the greenhouse gas, in addition to replace the production materials, reduce the waste in production.In practice, Im going to redesign process, to ensure product is more environmental sustainability, as well as searching for alternative energy and biodegradable materials. In this case I have experienced two different perspectives, respectively is the CEO and creative executive. The difference between this two are in the resistance, CEO has the authoritative, when we have the high credibility, we can fast command and the staff will have higher executive ability. I was doing the analysis in the process, distinguish the difference about this two position. As a director, creative production manager.I belong to the middle in the company. Get restricted by leader. In the beginning of action, I only have a low credibility (6), low credibility lead to a low executive ability, it is bad for working progress. So I was try to through walk the talk, get consultant’s support and get CEO’s public support to increase the credibility at first time, but did not get a high effect. In the week 7, I choose the conduct private interviews with Henry Adams , Michelle Barth, Mary Gopinath, Lesile Harris, from the background information, I learned that the 4 guys are not against the project, so through the conduct private interviews I get the a high credibility, With seven people felt awareness at the same time, this is a good start. Ensure a high reputation, I start to provide internal skill building for awareness middle level employee, this move prompted two middle level manager enter to interesting stage. In next week, I was telling a success story to Henry, Michelle Barth and Leslie Harris. This move will put this three people to a better stage. Skip a week later, I was keep going to tell a success story, it help me get first adoption guy. This is week 12. In week 13, I was conduct pilot project with three high lever result staffs, it is a good decision, I get another 2 adoptions gay. Going to week 44, I have 4 AD, 4TR, 2IN, I think I have a basic team, so I try to announce goals &deadlines. After 9 weeks, I got 8 new AW guys. I have a number of supporters, in this time I can try to hold town hall meetings, it leads to 8 AW guys become to IN. now I has 5AD,5TR,8IN, the vast majority employees to support my decision. And Luke Filer, Paul D’Arcy, Andrew Chen begin to accept my advice., revise reward system can Determined their decision, make them more support me, even though it takes a long time, but 5 new TR and 4 new AD is a good result. In this time I have 9 supports, conduct pilot project in market & sales departments, because of Leslie is my supporter, she can leader her team do a good project, Sam and Regina get AD in this week. Now I have 11 staffs agree with my idea, I just walk the talk, 2 basic employees agree my decision, but my credibility become to 6, it lead to provide internal skill building for basic staff, it not only increase the credibility, but also lead to the Yao become to the supporter. At last time, I have 17 guys agree my idea, targeted conversation to help me successfully negotiate the final staff, so that a successful.With this experience, I found a rule that maintain a high reputation and develop some manager for easy to convince to build a small team, through the small team to promotion is easily for the project. We have three obstructions in the organization, they dis agree this project, this kind of people can not direct communication, but they will change decision by their friend, so when their friend agree this object, the friend will change their idea, through indirect effects, we can get their support. In a team, the manager will affect employee attitude, if we get support from the management can help our better get the support of the whole company.

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By: hbuyvlmga3
Submitted: July 3, 2017
Essay Length: 1,028 Words / 5 Pages
Paper type: Term Paper
Views: 405
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