Antimicrobial Soil IsolatesEssay Preview: Antimicrobial Soil IsolatesReport this essayProject 1: Antimicrobial Activity of Soil IsolatesJohn Franklin FarrarDepartment of Biology and Microbiology and BiologyAddress BOX 22750 BOWEN HALL, RALEIGH, NC, 27607Abstract:Isolation and characterization of microorganisms is a practice that aids inIncreasing ones knowledge of a laboratory setting and it helps improve onUsing sterile technique. Isolates of soil microbes can be categorized andCharacterized based on a number of criteria ranging from gram-stainingWhich is done for this project to enumeration which is quantitative descriptionBased on the amount of microbial colonies available. The AntimicrobialActivity of three different microbes were also tested and results were obtainedFor two out of three of the microbes. Two out of three of the tested microbesExhibited antimicrobial activity towards the bacteria E. Coli and B. MycoidesAnd the results were recorded. Microbes produce various antibiotics and byIsolating different microbes the antibodies can be tested for.Introduction:This lab focuses on the isolation and characterization of an unknown organisms expressing interesting properties in relation to Antimicrobial Activity. At the conclusion of this laboratory experience The researcher would be required to describe the isolates obtained from the soil macroscopic and microscopic appearance, Perform the gram stain of the microorganisms in question and to discriminate the organisms from other microbes that could be contained in the soil and to finally make certain that the organisms have not been exposed to outside sources and be isolated in a pure culture. The researcher must first isolate the microbe and try to grow the organism in a pure culture to commence with testing the organism. The isolation of Microbes in a laboratory and clinical settings are of the up most importance and due to the isolation of different microbes from each other various procedures become open for the researcher to use like six fold dilutions that allow for the quarantined microbe to be reduced down in number to ensure that the test are being run are being tested on just a single type of organism. But before dilutions can occur the microbe must first be liberated from the soil and streaked onto an Agar plate to grow. There are various methods that can be used once the organism has grown onto the agar plate to ensure that the sample collected would only contain one pure organism. Streak plate enumerations also occur once the isolation of a particular microbe has occurred and the data that is received if the amount of organisms on the plate are between 30-300 individual colonies can be used because these are accepted values for Cell plate enumerations. After initial isolation a variety of techniques can be implemented to analyze and characterize the various microorganisms. The Gram Stain is a procedure that is performed in order to determine the difference between two main microbial cell wall types. Gram-positive cells have a cell wall made up mostly of a thick, peptidylglycan layer. These cells retain thecrystal violet color and the acetone alcohol acts as a dehydrating agent causing all peptidoglycan pores toclose and preventing the insoluble Crystal violet-Grams iodine complex from decolorizing. These cells appear PURPLE.

Gram-negative cells losetheCrystal violet-Grams iodine complex easily because the acetone-alcohol cannot seal the thin peptidylglycan layer to stop the decolorization. These cells lose the complex, but take up the lipid soluble counterstain, Safranin. These cells appear RED/PINK(laboratory Manual). Observing the types of antibiotics that an organism produces is a tool which could help classify and identify a microorganism also. In contrast to the just mentioned point with the aid of antibacterial disk a researcher could identify what antibiotics hinder the growth of the bacteria could help identify the microorganism. Each of these methods may determine one or more aspects that maybe unique to that organism or that could help identify the organism in relationship to other organisms or to help classify the organism into a group of microorganisms that share most of the characteristics displayed by the said organism.

There are four main groups of Antibiotic-producing organisms that this lab will focus on and they are the Actinomyces, the Streptomyces, Bacillus, and Microbial fungi.

Actinomyces is a class of filamentous gram positive that are rod-shaped(lab manual). Actinomyces produce spores in order to spread the bacteria to new environments and flourish. Streptomyces is a genus of the class Actinomyces and are primarily strictly aerobic soil organisms. Bacillus is a genus of gram-positve bacteria prevalent in the soil. Certain Bacillus species produce survival structures called endospores and these endospores differ from those of the Actinomyces class(lab manual). Fungi is also an antibiotic-producing organism and make up for a large amount of the microbial diversity that occurs in the soil environment.

Materials and Methods:Students were told to bring in soil samples into lab and isolate organisms from the soil. This was done by going to a dry area of land, preferably away from heavy human traffic and to obtain a dry soil sample. The sample was to be placed in a zip lock bag containing CaCO3 with a Ratio being one part CaCO3 (one gram)to nine parts of dry soil( around nine grams). After collected the samples were to be incubated in a dry environment. Prior to the student obtaining soil samples three media in agar plates are to be produced for plating, these media are Yeast Peptone Dextrose (YPD) that is to be used for the isolation of antibiotic-producing fungi. . Yeast Extract and Peptone provide carbon, nitrogen, minerals, vitamins, trace ingredients and other essential growth nutrients. Yeast extract supplies vitamin B-complexes, which stimulate the growth of yeasts and bacteria.

A Sample of Aqueous Crop.

Student A.F. gave the samples to Professor B. of the Department of Biology, and was immediately informed that the samples were to be collected under the same procedures. Student A.F. added that he had a few samples remaining for his graduate study. Student A.F. was then required to present the samples to him with a picture by placing that picture with a high pressure plate over the samples and placing a white sheet over them, covering them with paper. As A.F. was unable to produce the samples, each of the samples should be used to form a separate sample kit which will be ready by the student by 30 days. In addition, all the samples should be provided to the Research and Experimental Department in the Faculty of Engineering.

The study consisted of following six days of two days’ research. All experimental materials and equipment necessary for the purposes of the work is provided by the Engineering Education Programme, National Research Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Results of the Study

The first day’s research consisted of three days of training of the student by him. Student A.F. was a graduate student, and the first day of his senior month of medical school. The third student completed all of his studies in lab, working in all academic areas including agriculture, animal research, medicine, physiology, the research of biology, and of microbiology and biochemistry. The student also worked as Head of the Science Directorate of his major.

After the second day’s training, four days’ work was conducted in a laboratory, and during the final day’s work, the student made his first lecture. On May 28, the second day’s students completed the second lecture and were then returned to the Research and Experimental Department. During the third day of their second lecture, the students completed their research again in the laboratory.

An examination of the Student’s testes, biceps and testes by other students indicated that he improved in his work by one day compared to the four-day average. However, in addition, there were no indications that any abnormal growth occurred prior to the second day of training.

The third day’s students were also able to perform their first lecture and a separate study of the first study in a field. However, there were no indications that any abnormal growth continued after completing the second lecture; however, in addition to this, there were no signs of abnormal growth during the first day, although further studies on these subjects were planned.

During the fourth day the Student was told that the student was still experiencing a large decline in performance, whereas in the third day his performance had reduced as well. Nevertheless, he did perform well in the fourth day and remained in the final lecture.

Results of the Second Examination

Based on the results of the first and third examinations, the student was able to maintain his academic performance by approximately one hour. However, he failed to establish any significant difference in results from the first and third examinations that affected his performance on day one.

It should be noted that these results are in accordance with guidelines and procedures adopted jointly by the College, the College of Education and the University of Texas.

In addition to the results obtained for the fourth day, the student also performed in the third examination in which he was instructed to practice for twenty minutes between his examinations, and he managed to improve further.


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Characterization Of An Unknown Organisms And Gram-Staining. (August 13, 2021). Retrieved from