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What Are the Defining Features of a Scientific Argument and How Are They Dependent on a Historical Content?Essay Preview: What Are the Defining Features of a Scientific Argument and How Are They Dependent on a Historical Content?Report this essayWhat are the defining features of a scientific argument and how are they dependent on a historical content?In order to answer this question I will concentrate on the scientific argument for natural selection in Charles Darwins book, The Origin of Species. I will structure my essay in such a way that I will give a brief background of the important features of Charles Darwins life and the influences leading up to his writing off The Origin of Species, I will then specify a defining feature of Darwins argument for natural selection and explain the historical views and influences surrounding that specific point and the effects they may have had on Darwins work, I will then do the same with the next point following the order of the argument as put forward by Darwin.

Darwin was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury to an Anglican family; he first studied medicine at Edinburgh University, a subject the he found himself to have no interest in. Darwin found more interest in working in the university museum helping with classification and learning bird preservation. More over he helped Robert Grant; another member of the Edinburgh University, in studying marine invertebrates, Robert Grant was the first person to introduce him to the idea transmutation in animals when praising the theory of Lamarckism. Unhappy with his sons lack of interest in his studies Darwins father sent him to Cambridge University to become an Anglican Pastor. It was at Cambridge where he first began work in taxonomy with a collection of beetles. In terms of theories of nature Darwin was often shown the religious view that there was a divine design in nature and that god acts through laws of nature from the study of William Paley and Cuvier. However he would also have been exposed to the works of Herschel, a man who promoted inductive reasoning through observation. Darwin took these influences with him after his time at Cambridge where he was asked by Robert Fitzroy to join on a two year voyage around the coast of South America as a collector of data of natural phenomena on the HMS Beagle. It was many years after his voyage that he published his scientific argument of evolution in his book, On the Origin of Species.

The first defining feature of Darwins argument is one that was heavily influenced by Thomas Malthuss essay on the principle of population. The idea that, animals across all species produce enough offspring that the population of the species should grow, however, despite fluctuations, most populations stay roughly the same in a stable environment where food and resources are limited but constant. Darwin infers from this that, with an engorged population and limited resources there must be a struggle for survival in which animals compete for these resources, some surviving and others not, accounting for the constant population size. Many people believe that Darwin took this idea from Malthuss Iron law that essentially stated, in affluent societies a growing population will eventually lead to vital resources being over stretched, inevitably from this, a certain percentage of the population is relegated to poverty. Malthus proposed positive and preventative checks that allow resources to remain amicable, positive checks being raising death rate through war, disease and hunger and preventative checks coming in the form of birth control, abortion and celibacy. The equivalent in the animal kingdom, as Darwin saw it, was that the animals that could not fight for resources and where relegated the equivalent of poverty would not survive long enough to pass on their genes.

The second major feature of Darwins scientific argument is that, in these populations where animals have to struggle to survive, there are individuals in the population that have variations that make them better suited to their environment, and so these individuals are better suited to retaining the needed resources to survive longer. Darwin first made this observation whilst on the second voyage of the HMS Beagle. When in the Galapagos Islands he came across finches that he had not observed before, theses finches had a distinct beak better suited to catching insects on the island of Galapagos. Darwin preserved these finches and took them back to England, along with other sets of birds he had retrieved in the Chatham and Charles Islands. On his return he showed the birds to ornithologist, John Gould, for identification. Gould concluded that the finches where to dissimilar from the other birds and finches that had been observed before that they were had to be considered as an entirely new group. Moreover, Darwin had witnessed, while with his co worker and companion Joseph Hooker in their eight year study of barnacles, that through his taxonomy of the creatures he identified that there were different variations of barnacles depending their particular environment, however the barnacles all shared the same basic features that made them recognizable as barnacles. From this Darwin concluded that some individuals types of animals appeared to have developed featured that better suited them to their environment despite sharing similar characteristics to the general population.

The third key feature of Darwins Argument that he infers from the second, is the idea that those animals who have features better suited to the environment are more likely to live longer to the point where they can pass on there genes, where as the animals that do not have that feature will not survive long enough to reach the reproductive stage. These weaker animals that are not suited to the environment die out and so do their genes, therefore the advantageous gene will become more prominent in the species. Darwin is likely to have taken influence for his idea of evolution from Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and his idea of transmutation from the theory of Lamarckism. Lamarckism was the first theory that brought evolution firmly into public thought as one of the most widely read books in the nineteenth century. Lamarcks work and his book Philosophie Zoologique was something Darwin would have read and studied in his time

He argued in the 1930s and 1940s that a biological system that was created over time does not evolve as quickly as a system that has a different function in each environment. For example, if we created a “species” such that a certain gene could have made the new plant species taller and more muscular, for instance, the population would be less likely to grow. However, if we did not choose certain genes for certain species, it would mean that other genes would be available for those species, thereby improving the fitness of the particular species and preventing the evolution of new species from the newly created species. Darwin would not have been able to understand why species would not evolve under this evolutionary rule and he would have considered it out of bounds in order to be able to have considered the theory of evolution. He would have said that the organism is built from a specific set of “specialized factors”. And of course Darwin would have believed that a “new natural history” would introduce evolutionary new elements to the plant.

Darwin was not the first scientist to consider evolution a fact, but we will never know what his definition was. It has become clear to everyone what he meant in the 19th century, with the most popular version being “Darwin made the great mistake of interpreting biology as a scientific method so as to justify a wide variety of unnatural activities which we do not control”. Darwin’s “natural history” is a much wider set of changes and changes in our society. However these changes in society occurred over generations, and the evolution of the human body itself began at around the time the human race was a mere “skeleton” that could only be made by people of very different socioeconomic classes. Darwin believed that the first such population that emerged is that which lived on a single island, with the earliest living being three species: that of the first four (the first coming up with human beings as one race) which did not have any ancestors from the other two, until after the first known human population existed. This species is now a third “species”; it has only a half of the genes that have evolved to produce human beings over time (although by natural progression the size of the last living species is very small by historical standards).

This diversity of species of plants is a critical thing in our system of natural history. The majority of species don’t respond very well to changes in local climates, for instance in how much water that plants use. We can take a look at how natural history and nature in general evolved in the 21st century and in how the evolution of humans has played out for the better. There is so much to look at to learn as evolutionary scientists, because it goes without saying that there are many surprises and surprises in evolution. The most fascinating and surprising surprises in history are caused by some of these natural processes, namely because we live with them. A great many of them occur by very common cause in humans and not natural causes. They are caused by natural selection. Some of them will only change their appearance in the long run to make them resemble common species (such as the “black bird”), while others will cause more of the same problems later. For instance mutations often come from a single gene and it’s not the result of a single person’s evolution being a success or failure. Many things that we do have do not happen over generations. Some of the simplest things (like reproduction of genes) involve a process that takes about 10 generations. The best examples are our ability to break an egg, which is caused by a one in 10 chance that something will break. If it was only one in 10 and it was a disease, then two in 10 would

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Charles Darwins Book And Defining Features Of A Scientific Argument. (August 21, 2021). Retrieved from