Overall Organization
Rhoel Aries P. Pinto Organizational DevelopmentBSBA-HRDM Ms. AgloroOVERALL ORGANIZATION Company name : Jolibee ( owned and run by the Chinese-Filipino Tan family , the president is Tony Tan Caktiong )Inputs : Globalization ( Globally Competent )Jolibee is branching out internationally ( USA, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Brunei )New Management and Strategies to Attain a competitive advantage over McDonald’s and otherJollibee expanded quickly throughout the Philippines, financing all growth internally ; They need more employeesTan family occupied vital operations but as they expand they brought in professional managers to supplement their expertise especially marketing and finance departmentArrival of Tony Kitchner and Noli Tingzon (General Manager International Division )Design ComponentsStrategy : -They focused the 5 Fs of operations management : Friendliness, Flavorful Food, Fun Atmosphere, Flexibility in catering to customer needs and Focus on Family
-Retaining tight control over operations management, which allowed it to price below its competitor-Broadening their core menu and offered unique taste variety developed to consumers taste-Recruitment of qualified skill and manageable personnel – Professionalize system and Standardize procedures-Served time-constrained -Having the flexibility to cater to the tastes of its local consumers.-Develop the culture of Jollibee which is the 5Fs-Train employee to achieve effectiveness and efficiency Global Expansion Strategy – Kitchner implemented a two-part international strategy which comprised of “targeting expats” and “planting the flag.” – The Large Filipino Population plus High growth fast food market will produce New International StrategyTechnology: -They had a big Research and Development (R&D) department and a marketing department. The marketing department gets inputs from customers and the products they like, and then communicate that to R&D. R&D then develops it. And conduct Internal and customer panel test then if it is okay then we can roll out the new product.