Chinese Web-Fantasy Novels Are Prevalent Overseas – Coursework – 绮程 ç”°
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Chinese Web-Fantasy Novels Are Prevalent Overseas
Chinese Web-Fantasy Novels are Prevalent OverseasIt is reported that an American man named Kevin Kazader who got addicted to drugs when he was broke up with his girlfriend he was with for 2 years. However, one day when he was exposed to Coiling Dragon, a Chinese web-Fantasy Novel, by chance, he was immediately completely obsessed with this fantastic novel. He spent a range of hours reading Coiling Dragon day and night forgetting to eat or drink, as a result, he finished reading more than one million characters one day. Gradually, the slowly-updated Coiling Dragon cannot meet his needs, so after his time-consuming searching he ultimately found three more translation website and got catch up with 15 web-fantasy novels simultaneously. After about 6 months, he progressively got rid of drugs because his brain was occupied with Chinese web-fantasy novels so that he virtually forget about his wanting of drugs. What Kevin perceived is that the fantasy novels have saved his life, and those novels may be addictive as drugs , but at least they do not do harm to human body.

Actually, there are a variety of foreigners fascinated by Chinese web-fantasy novels, some of whom even learn Chinese so as to understand the original version. What’s worse, some foreign readers cannot accept, that’s to say, feel frustrated about the ending of Coiling Dragon for reading web novels has been a habitual part of their daily life.Where do the foreigners read the web novels? It is a website, namely,, which was founded by a senior translator named RWX in the late 2004.Up to August 2016, the website was visited for 1 billion times, 40 percent of which is from North America and 20 percent of which is from Europe.Why would they immerse themselves in the web-novel world and cannot extricate themselves from it? According to the CEO of China Reading Group, the most appealing advantages of Chinese web-fantasy novels are soaring imagination and constantly-developed storylines. Basically, these kinds of web novels are inspired by the myths and legends, historical classics and so forth. They are set in a world outlook deeply based on the traditional Chinese culture, which is entirely different from the Western cultural backgrounds. For instance, the web novels involve plots such as the main character’s transporting to another world, tempering body, storing interspace. In consequence, reading these web novels bring the foreigners unprecedented reading experience.

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By: 绮程 田
Submitted: May 6, 2017
Essay Length: 587 Words / 3 Pages
Paper type: Coursework
Views: 351
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Chinese Web-Fantasy Novels And Translation Website. (June 28, 2021). Retrieved from