Cocacola Marketing Environment in Vietnam
Marketing Individual   July 112014Name             : Nguyá»…n Thị ChinhRoll number  : SB01429Class             : SB0808Topic : Define the marketing environment for a company of your choice. Keep in mind that a company’s marketing  environment  consists  of  the  actors  and  forces  outside  marketing  that  affect marketing management’s  ability  to  build  and  maintain  successful  relationships  with  target customers.  Provide  your  recommendations  for  the company  to  proactively  response  to environment.[pic 1]OUTLINEI, Introduction.II,Literature review.1.Marketing Environment.2.Micro-environment.3.Macro-environment.III, Analysis.Introduce of Coca-cola Company.   Analysis Cocacola marketing environment in Viet Nam.2.1: Microenvironment.- The company.- Supplier.- Marketing Intermediate.- Customer. – Competitor.              2.2: Macroenvironment.- Economic Environment.- Technology Environment.- Cultural Environment.- Demographic Enviroment.- Political Environment.IV, Conclusion and Recommend.V, Reference.I, Introduction : You know that  a company’s marketing  environment  consists  of  the  actors  and  forces  outside  marketing  that  affect marketing management’s  ability  to  build  and  maintain  successful  relationships  with  target customers. If you identify right marketing environment of company and have good decision, your company will achieve successful. In this report , I want to introduce and analysis about marketing environment of Cocacola company in Viet Nam and their product line –  a strong company about beverage and most popular in VietNam and the world.II, Literature review : The marketing  environment includes the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with customers:   This mean any company also operate in a business environment and be impact of actor outside of this environment. This can be negative or positive and these fluctuations in the environment can occur gradually, but can also occur suddenly create opportunities or challenge for company.Marketing environment include two parts.Firstly, microenvironment consists of the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its the company provide their vision, business strategy , finance department , operation, accounting  , purchasing , top management. Next is Suppliers provide the resources to produce good and service, treated as partners to provide customer value. Thirdly, marketing intermediaries help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers. Next is Customer consist of individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption. Competitors consider outside competitor and in this time that customer buy good and service and finally, Publics present that any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives such as : financial public , media , government , citizen-action  local, general  internal .

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Cocacola Marketing Environment And Company Of Your Choice. (July 9, 2021). Retrieved from