What Is Technology? Is Technology Is Important to Your Life? What Does It Do? Are You Aware of All the Responsibilities You Have? – Research Paper – papaphi123

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What Is Technology? Is Technology Is Important to Your Life? What Does It Do? Are You Aware of All the Responsibilities You Have?
Acknowledgement        Foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our adviser Mr Randy Rosales for the continuous support of our Grade 9 T.L.E project, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped us in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. We could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for our project.        Besides our advisor, we would like to thank the rest of our classmates, other teachers, families, and friends, for their encouragement, insightful comments, and hard questions.        Last but not the least, we would like to thank our family, our parents, for giving birth to us at the first place and supporting for us spiritually throughout my life.Abstract of the Study        The project is aimed to help computer laboratory’s facilitator to have list of students who have been used any of the computers in the computer laboratory. The system will monitor every computer by asking the student’s LRN before he or she can use the computer. The students need to log in for the facilitator will have a clue use the computer last and ask something if something happen. Since the study involves monitoring of students who are using the computer at the same time inventorying the hardware materials.CHAPTER 1THE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYIntroduction        The development of technology has changed the way we live. Computer became famous and considered as the part of the society today; they are everywhere. And the advancement in discoveries, both in hardware and software keep coming, day in and day out. It changes and improves at a rapid speed companies and institutions have deal with it. It is because the latest knowledge of development in computer technology grows people’s standard.        What is technology? Is technology is important to your life? What does it do? Are you aware of all the responsibilities you have?        In our life today, computer is one of the many inventions that greatly affect our way of living. In fact, it is regarded as an essential tool in many areas including business, industry, government, science, education, school, home, and almost in any organization and establishment that exist. It can perform operations and process data rapidly, accurately and reliably and by using these machines, spending a lot of time and effort in doing certain task is minimized.        Nowadays, industry is experiencing many technological advancement and changes in methods of learning. With the rise of globalization, it is becoming essential to find an easier and more effective system to help an organization or company. In spite of this matter, there are still business establishments and schools that use the old-fashion way.

Did someone blame you already for a missing object that had been lost? Do you like the feeling? What is stealing? Do you find hard time finding lost things? These situations are always happening nowadays. Especially in different public places such as schools.        Stealing is now observed anywhere. Anytime it can be done, with or without other knowing it. Stealing is primary problem of everyone. And we all know that stealing is taking other person’s property without that person’s permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. As we can see nowadays our computer laboratory is suffering about this problem. The facilitators of computer laboratory are having a hard time to find the missing output devise such as mouse and keyboard. And eventually the facilitator will replace the missing output devices.        What does actually monitoring means? If we create a monitoring system do you think it will be a big help? In what ways it will help you?        As we searched in Google what really monitoring means. This is the answer we’ve found. Monitoring is a systematic process of collecting, analysing and using information to track a programmer’s progress toward reaching its objectives and to guide management decisions. Monitoring usually focuses on processes, such as when and where activities occur, who delivers them and how many people or entities reach.        The main purpose of creating this system is to introduce the monitoring system which is able to determine computer accessories that are lost. Facilitators of Computer Laboratory will know the illegal activity of the student’s computer by viewing the desktop.        What is the history of Claro M. Recto Information and Communication Technology High School? The school site used to be a primary school of Claro M. Recto Elementary School. However, the limited enrolment in its classes led to its integration with Dr. Clemente Dayrit Elementary School in 1998. The said integration did not leave the school site futile because since then, the existing classrooms were utilized for Non- Formal Education Classes for out- of- school youth and adults under DECS Non- Formal Education System.

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(2015, 09). What Is Technology? Is Technology Is Important to Your Life? What Does It Do? Are You Aware of All the Responsibilities You Have?. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 09, 2015, from

“What Is Technology? Is Technology Is Important to Your Life? What Does It Do? Are You Aware of All the Responsibilities You Have?” EssaysForStudent.com. 09 2015. 2015. 09 2015 < "What Is Technology? Is Technology Is Important to Your Life? What Does It Do? Are You Aware of All the Responsibilities You Have?." EssaysForStudent.com. EssaysForStudent.com, 09 2015. Web. 09 2015. < "What Is Technology? Is Technology Is Important to Your Life? What Does It Do? Are You Aware of All the Responsibilities You Have?." EssaysForStudent.com. 09, 2015. Accessed 09, 2015. Essay Preview By: papaphi123 Submitted: September 12, 2015 Essay Length: 5,748 Words / 23 Pages Paper type: Research Paper Views: 449 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays How the Digiral Age and Technology Has Impacetd My Life Communications 110: Media and Society 13 June 2005 Project 1: How the Digital Age and Technology Has Impacted My Life All the different types of 1,402 Words  |  6 Pages Pro-Life Editorial Response Dear Mr. Shawn Nauman, This letter is in response to your March 1, 1995 editorial regarding abortion. It must have been very tough at times, 1,062 Words  |  5 Pages Do Not Let Technology Devours Our Life Do Not Let Technology Devours Our Life With the advent of technology era, great changes have taken place in our life. Should we change our 377 Words  |  2 Pages Important Life Lessons of Ivan Bunin Important Life Lessons Of Ivan Bunin Unlike the happy lives characters live in fairy tales, real life is not as optimistic and cheerful as one 781 Words  |  4 Pages Similar Topics Technology Nothing Without Process Music Technology Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Computer Laboratory’S Facilitator And List Of Students. (June 14, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/computer-laboratorys-facilitator-and-list-of-students-essay/