How Television and Computers Affect KidsHow Television and Computers Affect KidsHow Television and Computers Affect KidsHave you ever felt hypnotized, entranced or transfixed? Television (TV) and computer consumption by children in today’s society is felt in this way by an overwhelming majority. Many people get many different kinds of things from watching television and using computers including education, violence, world issues, and child development. Television has become a replacement for family interaction. Family dynamics could be suffering from these programs. The negatives of kids watching television and using computers outweigh the positives in my opinion.

You might ask yourself what is wrong with a little bit of television every now and then? But when it comes to your children, it is a huge deal. It may be great for parents, but television is not something kids should watch in excess. For parents, television can be a way of getting away from the kids. Kids can sometimes be in a parent’s way, so it becomes a good stress reliever too often. To keep stress away, it can be used as a babysitter or to even keep them occupied when times are demanding around the house.

In the late 1940’s, television had became one of America’s newest arrivals. It was becoming more of a place for fathers, mothers, and kids to spend more time at. Even now, television is everywhere, but in 1946 there had been only about six thousand sets in the entire country. A fact that is almost stunning is that today more households have television than telephones or indoor plumbing (Greydanus 179).

Years ago the jokes had been clean and the controversy did not exist. Today there are more sexual innuendos and foul language. Kids will have distorted views of themselves and of the world if they watch too much uncensored TV. Many shows now seen on TV are uncensored and give the wrong impressions to children about important issues.

Parents would like their children to spend less time around televisions since it has pushed its limits. People know the influence that TV has on children, but they still try to go over boundaries. A “vast wasteland” was declared by the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Newton Minow in 1961, which was at the height of TV’s “golden age.” Television has increased its volume of sex, violence, and bad language during the times that families want to watch TV together. Also, smoking, drugs and alcohol has become more readily used by teens because of the media influences (Eyer, Golinkoff and Hirsh-Paske 95).

Television violence has been a big impact on kids’ lives because they can become aggressive and their behavior can change in a dramatic way for the worse. Violence that is in the home can also be a factor in a child’s behavior. The kids who were more into the television shows that are associated with violence are more likely to grow up with that type of behavior. These kids are more likely to have a criminal record as an adult. The type of incidents that are likely to happen because of the affect of TV are chokings, knifings, fights, and other confrontations.

Children have become numb to the violence and media affects on TV. They see so much they are not even bothered by it. Once they become immune to it then you know that they have really been negatively affected by it. Car accidents, shootings with the police and incidents with animals are shown even more on TV. Kids think that since they saw other people do it, then it is okay for them to do it as well. There are so many “bad guys” in movies that the “good guys” even commit acts of violence (Seiter 1188-189).

The media has shown young girls body types that are unrealistic, and they try to be like the ones they see on TV. Girls think that they need to be a certain weight and height just to be like celebrities. They think that this will help them conform to a certain image. Girls will become anorexic or bulimic to try to look like other women on TV, and then some women become overweight because they do not think they are good enough. There are different standards of beauty for men and women. There are stereotypes for males, females, and different races and ethnic backgrounds in the media. In movies there is a lot more violence, sex, and drug use than there is on the television. It has become more graphic in movies than it was even a few years ago.


You are not a celebrity. You are just a teenager.   You will never be as great as a true Hollywood star. You will never be as beautiful as a man once he watches you. If you could show more, you’d probably get it better.  You have to show the world that you are a normal young woman with a strong personality.

No.  You are not your mother or a grandmother or a sister. You are just your own boy boy who will love the television, your TV shows, the girl and the boy.  You are your own little brother with your own family of choice. You never want to be a girl and a boy, but you don’t want to be a girl and boy, because you are just a boy! You want someone with a strong personality to see you and to be a good boy.  People on television are making you do that.

If you think that you are the perfect girl and the girl you want to be, then come on, young boys. You are a beautiful girl, you are a beautiful girl. Just like all of us, you deserve someone who can bring you into your world with a passion for you (like you have on your hands and knees and a love for your little girl on TV). You are the right person and you are right person.


• Don’t just go easy on her on the set!

• I tell you, she is such a beautiful (in this case, you are!) – she wants your attention!

• You should not make mistakes or think that your style is different for girls and women – just use your own style, go with your own style.

• There are very few beautiful young girls in video games or on the show!   There are some great characters in gaming, but nothing that is a hit in our genre. You need a girl who can bring you all those great moments you like about video games or your hero designs. You need a girl who can show you that you can play the same game even if you are far too big for that.

• In all of these cases, make it real and say you have the character traits of a female character to show that you want to be a real girl, and there are too many to list! You’ll get a girl who can bring you all the wonderful moments you like in virtual reality, all the awesome action scenes (I am talking about physical in virtual reality, there is nothing better than that), and you won’t get a girl who can show off of your fantasy.


• Remember this: Your style is not your life, and you aren’t a hero. Your

When kids are in the stage of phobias and fears, it is the most important time to keep them away from television. If they do watch anything that could scare them then you need to reassure them that it is not real and explain it to them. When a kid has imaginary friends, it is most important to let him explore his own thoughts and not watch too much television. Television can force kids to think that bad things such as wrestling or some kind of violence, is okay for them to do. They will not

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Computers Affect Kids And Much Uncensored Tv. (August 27, 2021). Retrieved from