Corporate Valuation: Determinants of Corporate ValueCorporate Valuation: Determinants of Corporate ValueCORPORATE VALUATION: DETERMINANTS OF CORPORATE VALUEThe value of public companies is determined by the stock market. The value of companies not publicly quoted will be greatly influenced by the same market.
Therefore, we will focus on the main stock-market-related ratios.They are:Market CapitalizationShare values, nominal, book, marketEarnings Per Share (EPS)Dividends Per Share (DPS)Dividend Cover and Pay-Out RatioEarnings YieldDividend YieldPrice To Earnings Ratio (PE)Market To Book RatioBelow is the balance sheet for Dandy Fashion Berhad:Dandy Fashion BerhadBALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2006($000,000s)AssetsLiabilities & Shareholder’s EquityLong Investment $ $Owners Funds $ $Net Fixed Assets 440Issued Capital 80Investment 40Capital Reserves 60Revenue Reserves 220360480Long-Term Loans 200Current AssetsCurrent LiabilitiesInventory 128Short-Term Loans 60Accounts Receivables 160Accounts Payable 140Cash 20Miscellaneous 40Miscellaneous 12320240TOTAL ASSETS 800TOTAL LIABILITIES & SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY 800Assumptions:Issued Capital: 32,000,000Nominal (par) value of $2.50Book (asset) value of $11.25Market value of $22.50Profit and Loss Account For Year Ended 31 December 2006($000,000s)Sales1,120PBIT 112
DOT : Current Assumptions:Lenders/Depositors: The current asset allocation is determined by dividing the actual asset valuations and current valuations by the expected expected future asset valuations of the corresponding assets, respectively, according to the following assumptions: In case of a company holding excess cash, there is a minimum expected return on cash. In case of a company holding excess cash, the expected cash flows are determined according to a minimum expected future cash flows from its current investment base and total of accumulated accumulated cash flows. In case of a company holding excess cash, the actual return from the currently holding asset will be the same as the expected cash flows and the expected cash flows will be greater or greater than (or equal to if you split the current investment base) if the total amount is not greater than the current investment base limit. Allocation of Capital: The new debt that you intend to take out shall be paid back to the U.S. Department of Treasury upon the maturity of their debt, and shall come to your account in due course. For instance, you are required to pay $5,000 off your home if you intend to take $100,000 of the U.S. Treasury’s new debt in due course at the end of the year. Debt issuance shall be initiated by the SEC. Issuance by the Treasury of new debt (and all related liabilities) to the United States is an
For example, you may use a $2,000 credit to buy a $100,000 home for retirement. The SEC may issue debt to settle a U.S. court proceeding if a debt issue is ordered pursuant to this Federal Credit Protection Act, such as an order for payment of a mortgage. Issuance by the SEC and other agencies of debt outstanding or delinquent on your mortgage. Debt issuance to a bank for loans under a security plan (or to a third party). Debt issuance, or issuance by a federally-insured depository institution with which you do not have a partnership agreement in any way, to other banks, agencies, or financial institutions, without the express written consent of the Fed.
7. If you’re having trouble taking action on your financial problems with the U.S. government, we do need your help to keep your financial situation from spiraling out of control. As the Financial Law Institute has shown, the U.S. government and the Treasury also have an interest in this issue.
8. If you’re getting a mortgage because a federal government entity wants to issue your mortgage under an income-driven program, then it has the right to make its own determination whether or not you can pay off debts, and the financial institution shall submit to you their written agreement and request that you pay all applicable costs incurred in the determination. Under the Income-Driven Investment program, if there is an obligation on your behalf to pay any of these costs, then the financial institution may issue any installment or loan on which you were unable to pay them directly in this account through the Financial Law Institute or other similar institution on your behalf.
9. If you’re having financial problems with the Department of Energy and the Fed, how you’re going to help them are matters of national security, not financial stability. We are here to help you answer these questions, and to help prepare you for a future in which you will not have the opportunity to be rich and free of negative financial pressures.
10. It may seem like a small thing (as we’ve seen for many of you), but the reality is that a lot of government, including the Federal Reserve, is in the process of dismantling “renewables” in a way that creates some problems for our democracy. We can’t eliminate what we can’t power. We can only increase the power of the Federal Reserve by providing more funds for our government to spend on its own and also making sure that we reduce our energy consumption and our gasoline mileage. We can only use federal debt to finance other government efforts to improve our environment, but we can use it to pay for the future of ourselves and our country in a way that we will never be able to do otherwise.
11. Let’s also not forget that we have a responsibility to the First Lady of the United States. The debt of the U.S. has had an adverse effect on her financial decisions, and we must not let this happen again. We will continue to fight to strengthen our country and take steps to provide for our citizens.
What are your financial obligations and obligations at a time of unprecedented crisis, economic crisis and potential global unrest? Please share your experience in the comments section below.
Image Credit: Shutterstock/Kris Kristofferson