Bible Case
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-the word BIBLE comes from the Greek word biblia, meaning books
-it is a collection of ancient writings* about GOD (Yahweh)
-divided into 2 parts: the Old and New Testament
A. Who wrote the bible?
-It was written by many different authors, mostly Hebrews, some unknown
B. When was it written?
At different times. Over about 1,000 years- from about 900 B.C. to 100 A. D.
At different places. Palestine, Babylon, Egypt, Rome, Corinth
For different purposes. To teach religion and patriotism, to describe the Messiah.
C. Who chose these writings?
The writings were not chosen but rather acknowledged to be inspired. The Council of Hippo (393 A.D.) and subsequent councils drew up a list or canon of inspired books.
D. Why read the bible?
For many different purposes:
To know about the famous book in history: a “Book of 30 Centuries” (the all-time best-seller)
To help you understand God and His works
To help you know how to live and act
To share stories of human experience in many literary forms
Songs and poetry
Laws and history
Prophecies, wise sayings
Short stories, letters
Testament= agreement
Scripture= sacred writing
The Old Testament (Jewish scriptures)
-are stories about an old agreement between God (Yahweh) and man (the Hebrews) when the Hebrews came out of Egypt and how it worked out
-a collection of religious books in Hebrew, written during a period of over 900 years, including:
HISTORIES of heroes and events
looking forward to a mission for Israel on earth.
-39 books in Protestant bibles
A. 5 books cover “The Law” (aka TORAH)
-sometimes called the PENTATEUCH or THE FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES
-how the world began
-beliefs about origins of the human race
-origin of Hebrews and their place as the “Chosen people”
-contains 50 chapters (1st 11 chapters: story of the origins of mankind;
Next 39 chapters: story of Patriarchs, the fathers of the Jewish race–Abraham,Isaac, Jacob,Joseph )
Exodus- 40 chapters (1st 18: Historical; Next 22 chapters: Laws, including the 10 commandments)
-how Israelites fled from Egypt
-the laws they swore to observe when they made their covenant with Yahweh at Mt. Sinai
Leviticus- 27 chapters (1st 7chapters: Law of Sacrifice; Next 3chapters: Consecration of the Prieshood; Next 6 chapters: Law of “clean” and “unclean”; Next 10 chapters: The Holiness Code)
Numbers- 36 chapters (1st 4 and 26 chapters: Census; Other chapters: Historical)
-census of the people
-story of Israelites wandering in the wilderness
Deuteronomy -Greek word for Isecond law; 54 chapters (1st 11 chapters: Moses address; Chapters 12-26,29-revised laws)
-story of Moses last discourses
-repeats laws
B. 21 books cover “The Prophets”
6 Historical Books (“former prophets”)
Joshua- story of Joshua, successor of Moses as leader of Israelites; conquest of Canaan
Judges- troubles in Promised Land; fortunes of Israel depended on obedience to Gods law; rule of tribal chief
I Samuel- continues story to death of Saul, Israels first king
II Samuel- continues story to last year of King David
I Kings- death of David; reign of his son Solomon; history up to Ahaziah, son of Ahab
II Kings- continued story; division in two Kingdoms; events leading to captivity of both
3 Major Prophets
Isaiah- a.) Proto Isaiah (1-39)- speeches of the prophet Isaiah on many subjects and occasions
b.) Deutero Isaiah (40-66)- Messianic oracles
Jeremiah- prophecies to a nation in crisis during 40 turbulent years; oracle of the New Covenant
Ezekiel- reproaches for Israels sins; promise of salvation in a new covenant; conditions of new covenant
12 Minor Prophets (smaller books)
Hosea- first of 12 minor prophets; preached that Yahweh was a God of love and would give those who repentes
Joel- call to repentance through fasting and prayer; promise of the outpouring of the spirit
Amos- earliest recorded sermons of a prophet; preached to Northern Kingdom that Yahweh would destroy Israel for its sins
Obadiah- sermons denouncing Edom for joining Judahs enemies