Creative Brief for Airbnb – Coursework – Di Nan
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Creative Brief for Airbnb
Creative brief for airbnbBUSINESS OBJECTIVESTo influence people’s concept about travel, increase brand awareness and expand market shareRole of the communicationTransform people’s concept about travel from cookie-cutter routines to living like locals.Attract people to try a different experience of traveling by using Airbnb’s servicetarget audienceMillennial travelers who are sick of traditional cookie-cutter traveling routines and wish to experience the real life of the localMillennial hosts who are open and accommodating, like to help and share their local experience MAIN SELLING POINTAirbnb offers an innovative, different traveling experience, helps a traveler to live like a local, feeling connected and belongingreasons to believeAirbnb’s official app offers services which feature on helping customers to live like locals: “Get to Know Neighborhoods” is a matching system that enables customers to book in a preferred neighborhood; “Bespoke Matching” gives personalized recommendations based on a user’s interest; “Guidebook” showcases the restaurants and places that the locals preferAirbnb hires local influencers to give real-time advice to travelers on social networksDESIRED RESPONSE“I feel a sense of belonging. I feel like I’m not a traveler but a local who lives in this community. I feel welcomed, respected, trusted and appreciated for who I am. I love to travel on Airbnb.”BRAND PERSONALITYBelonging, warm, trustable, connected and helpfulOpinion:

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(2017, 04). Creative Brief for Airbnb. Retrieved 04, 2017, from
“Creative Brief for Airbnb” 04 2017. 2017. 04 2017 < "Creative Brief for Airbnb.", 04 2017. Web. 04 2017. < "Creative Brief for Airbnb." 04, 2017. Accessed 04, 2017. Essay Preview By: Di Nan Submitted: April 14, 2017 Essay Length: 384 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Coursework Views: 558 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Life and Creative Way of Frederick Chopin Childhood and young years Friderik Chopin was born near Warsaw in the name Zhelyazova Volya. Contested by three dates of his birth. Official metric found 7,923 Words  |  32 Pages Creative Writing - Comedy Creative writing (If crowd applause) well, I bet that’s the only time it’s good to get clap, am gonna try to suck so I get 730 Words  |  3 Pages Chad’s Creative Concepts Q1. What types of decisions must Chad Thomas make daily for his companyĐČЂℱs operations to run effectively? Over the long run? Tactical decisions or short 800 Words  |  4 Pages How to Be Creative ‘HOW TO BE CREATIVE’ What is creativity? Creativity is defined as having the ability to create, having or showing imagination or an ability to stimulate 2,553 Words  |  11 Pages Similar Topics Rise Creative Class Case Gail India Increasing Creativity Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Creative Brief And Different Experience. (June 20, 2021). Retrieved from