Difference Between Logic and Critical Thinking
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Difference between logic and critical thinkingIntroduction Logic is the science of studying the fundamental concepts and principles of good reasoning involving argument , inference , truth(accuracy) ,falsity(fallacy) and validity (soundness) .It is a tool for examining, analyzing, accepting and challenging different arguments in order to formulate acceptable conclusion.critical thinking is the process of actively conceptualizing , analyzing ,evaluating information that have been generated as a result of observations, reasoning experience and communication to guide to our beliefs and actions. that is critical thinking is actually the process of practicing reasoning (logic) and how to apply the 3 stages of intellection (apprehension, judgement and reasoning)characteristics of logic logic is used to test that the validity of arguments that being logical are based on assumptions .That is logic is not concerned with the validity of arguments rather logic also studies the consistency and logic truth and the properties of logical systems such as logical statements should be complete and have sound . In order for reasoning to occur there should be some sort of link between knowledge and opinion within a mind and is where logic comes in . Thus, in order for our mind to reason they must construct knowledge and opinion possessed in the mind which is only possible within an underlying framework which links together knowledge and opinions in the mind. This is because without an underlying framework within the mind all knowledge and opinions possessed will exist as an information with no structure linking various fragments of knowledge and opinions together . Thus they will appear disconnected from one another, So logic  is the means by that links together all the knowledge within the mind .Thus logic is the ultimate underlying framework of a mind.

characteristics of critical thinking 1.Rationality critical thinking require rationality ,it refers to the conformity of ones beliefs with ones reason , an exercise of reason and is the manner people derive conclusion when considering things deliberately. Being rational requires the reliance on reason rather than emotion and analyzing and recognizing verified evidence as well as ignoring unverified evidence and constantly ask questions of yourself and others as it is how we uncover the truth and motivations behind 2.Self awarenessit is the capacity for being introspect and ones ability to reconcile as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals .critical thinking requires self regulation that is the process of making sure not to fall into logical fallacies.3-open mindednesswillingness to search for evidence against ones favored beliefs  , goals and plans. Being open minded requires evaluation of all reasonable inferences .Moreover, critical thinkers always ready and eager to explore all ideas and points of view including those opposed to their own4-Discpline It is the training that is expected to produce specific character or pattern of behavior , that is to be precise and resist manipulation .5-Judgement critical thinker require to form judgments that is to evaluate the evidences provided in order to recognize the relevance and merit of alternative assumptions and the extent and weigh of evidence.6-problem solving the process of finding solution to given problem requires the ability to concentrate on the solution rather than on the problem and to maintain objectivity while addressing challenges.

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Critical Thinking And Critical Thinkingintroduction Logic. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/critical-thinking-and-critical-thinkingintroduction-logic-essay/