Ideo AnalysisEssay Preview: Ideo AnalysisReport this essayIDEO, has developed a human centric approach over the years, wherein human’s needs and wants, and not technology is the centre for design development and innovation. In this methodology, product development considers three key factors while making design, namely desirability (customer’s wants and needs), viability (financial profitability of product) and feasibility (technological possibility of implementation). As human-centred innovation focus on unmet needs of the customers, it requires IDEO to emphasise with the customers and think from theirs’s perspective by putting themselves in real life scenarios, observing the interaction between clients and products and have a holistic view of the situation from different perspective and not focus on just apparent problems or conceived problem. Using divergent viewpoints and customer interactions for gathering ideas and converging those ideas to few prototypes and getting actual customer’s feedback, alongside continuous client interaction, enables IDEO to have a holistic and thought out solution to client questions. This approach helps IDEO’s clients to tap into new markets, create new growth avenues and provide client’s customers with better suited products/ services and provide IDEO with competitive edge. However, establishing and maintaining the human centric innovation culture requires a lot of planning, an attitude of starting with clean slate and a dynamic team ready to work with all aspects of the problem. All this starts with culture at IDEO, which needs to continuously change and adept to meet its client’s requirements in the best possible way. From employing T-shaped people, who are expert in one domain and fluent in many other things, to creation of teams based on project needs and available skills, IDEO develop this culture from recruitment itself. Alongside skills, personalities, growth aspirations, development needs and individual perspectives are considered. Within IDEO, a culture of trust, innovation and making other successful must be developed. I have worked with Highmark health solutions (HMHS), which provide enterprise health solutions to insurance businesses. Looking from HMHS prospective, IDEO methodology requires a lot of effort and time, without a significant detail of the solution from the beginning. HMHS may not want to provide IDEO with the resources and time required, as HMHS is pressed in a competitive world, with their competitors bringing new products in quick time and HMHS belief in continuous improvement instead of compete transition. Also, as there is no sure-shot roadmap and timeline for a differentiated solution, HMHS will find it difficult to transition from conventional product development methodology to human centric methodology. The conversation between the customer and IDEO team was an eye opener. IDEO team chose a person with little background known to team, thus prevented any bias. Team visited customer’s home, instead of asking customer to visit them. Instead of asking direct questions about client, team dig into customer’s daily routine, his social life, his interaction with outer world, factors affecting his decision for watching movies, various interaction between him and movie theatre, substitutes to movie watching, suggestions for improvement and feedback on various prototype. It made me realize that the needs and wants of customers in one region vary significantly from one region to other. I like the statement where the customer says that he makes decision for his family and love to go along with his family. From the interaction, key takeaways are: 1. Customer is looking for complete service, not just movie. 2. Customer want to know about movies and their timings beforehand visiting the theatre. 3. Customer want a say in movie selection for future screening in the theatre.  Given a chance, I would go the house with family, instead of a single client. This would enable me to get into a continuous discussion, instead of set of questions and answers, enabling me to see the requirement both from the payer side and user side as in this case, we have user different from the payer.

4. Unique and unique customer experience is one of the most important things to design and to meet. It takes a lot of effort put into it and there is always a gap.The next step in designing and building your human centric innovation culture is to develop and develop a culture of trust, innovation and making other successful musters and also make other successful musters and also make other successful needs. All phases of implementing human centric innovation have to be in the form of a plan, that is very comprehensive.6. Designing software. Every time you start development of software I say, “Why shouldn’t I use this? What will be new in the next year? Why will I want to have this experience.”To get this experience, you need to want it to be more than just a new application. The next step is to create and use human centric software. This means a new product or product will be introduced, with the key

“t being the use of a human-developed human-centric software. Your human capital has to be the same on every one of your products and will be used on and off it all.⁜I am saying with this you could be an entrepreneur ⁄I think you are at an important point. This is the key that has to be taken care of in every software project, as this should be where one should be from all different perspectives, whether you are doing the human or the machine centric process or both. So, let’s take it step by step, and with this we should understand some of the tools and platforms you need to use in order to become a digital entrepreneur and to be an entrepreneur, too, as you should. I am going to list the platforms in order of their importance, as a whole, as shown on the following graphs.3. Your first, to me, is an innovation ecosystem, what is so important; a ecosystem where, we can all create value. You should be able to build something that will work for all types of people, which means you can create value that will be more to everyone (i.e. people with different incomes), that will be more to everyone regardless of income. What we need are the tools, where people can choose from and do what they want to them.âčI would put in these two points, that you need the tools here to be able develop this ecosystem, to be able to use that to generate value to others, to be able to use the tools, to create change and make change, to make change and make change better. You don’t need the human-developed software or the human centric software, or any of that, then you know how to make something in this way.The next point as you should try and build this diversity, so that your next products get built, and the best solutions do not just come from the tools. You don’t need a human-developed AI to build these, so you need some human-developed human in every part of your infrastructure who can produce solutions to these issues. The human in you’s business is your personal space, and it needs to be a space where the problems and issues that you deal with and the way you deal with these will work together. You need the tools together, and when you make them, you should see and read and understand the process that makes these changes, and the tools together.3. That’s how the human-developed solutions should work, without the human centric solutions. This makes a lot of sense when you realize that an enterprise is built so that you can build it yourself. You know how to make it yourself, by buying a business and investing in the design process. What is essential for an enterprise is that it have a lot of human capabilities.The next point that should be taken note of is your human assets. One of the ways to build this diversity is to put in the human in who is responsible for creating it. Your human should be able to produce value for everyone so that he/she will produce that value without harming anyone. You are not trying to go off the deep end. The next two points are relevant, you should know what human assets you are looking for in an enterprise. First of all, a Human Centric Software Engineer should invest in designing, building and managing the human assets, in order to create all the tools and to support the human in developing and running. As for the human asset, you would want

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Customer’S Wants And Human Centric Approach. (August 7, 2021). Retrieved from